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First experience with Derby blades - great

Actually, that's just but one of the many variables. Skin type, type and density of whiskers, prep time and procedure, water temperature, shaving cream/soap brand, lather consistency, shaving style, etc. all play significant parts in how a blade works for a particular person.

I agree, but, if I am testing a new blade, I do not choose a new shaving soap, shorten or lengthen my prep time, etc. yadda yadda, and change all the variables you mentioned. I want oranges to oranges. I suspect that most of us do as well. The variable is the blade. Still some guys love feathers, some hate em. I am skeptical that one brand of shaving soap will work with feathers and another will not. All things are possible but some are not as likely as others. That said, I still agree with previous member that the most likely variable is the relationship of the razor to the blade, as we all use a multitude of razors. I am pleased using derbys with most of my razors, but not all of my razors. Nothing is different but the razor.
tried derbys in a different razor to normal; i still can't stand them. They tug, pull and generally irritate the hell out of my skin. Had to switch to Israeli Personna after my first pass.
And aren't you glad there're so many to choose from? :001_smile
You can say that again!! :w00t:


From this blog post. My eyes aren't the greatest, but that looks like about a 20 X 17 grid to me. Assuming each pack is a different brand, that would be 340 choices! :thumbup:
I like the Iridium Supers. They're smoother than the israeli personnas, but still tug ATG. Must be my technique.
I like the Iridium Supers. They're smoother than the israeli personnas, but still tug ATG. Must be my technique.

Ah, lack of technique doth make tyros of us all! But once you have got it into your head -and hands- how to be consistent; a realistic assessment may be made.

I gave up this morning after three tries an Indian Wilkinson. When next they come up in the queue, I will cork them. If that doesn't help, I'll use them up one shave at a time.

" ... life is for learnin'!" - Joni Mitchell, Woodstock, c. 4 CE.
They're much better than the derbys, at least.
I believe it's my technique because no blade should tug that much.
Either that or I actually have Diamond stubble XD
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