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Favorite energy drink.

Going against the grain...

Water, H20, Aqua... not too picky, my city water from the tap ain't to bad... only buy bottled what I absolutely have to.
Started on Red Bull back when it first came out, then transitioned to Bawls for a couple years, and then had to quit caffeine and stimulants for health reasons... Just recently however I've started to brave a bit of green tea before workouts or heavy brainstorming sessions, and I'm loving it! Nice clean lift, energy boost, some good antioxidants, and no acid problems or post bevvie crash. And so far I'm not losing control... When I was drinking coffee it just got out of hand!

So one solid vote for green tea. :)

Whats your favorite energy drink. I mean you have to have it to get the day started.

Ill start. Blue Low Carb Monster!

I actually prefer the Monster Absolute Zero over the Lo-carb(the lo-carb tastes sweeter IMO)but that's one of my favorites too. Also the monster Rehabs are good. Lemonade/Tea, Green Tea flavor and the Rojo Tea are excellent and sugar free.

Xyience Cherry Lime is pretty tasty too. I also like Redbull but Monster is cheaper and you get twice as much so I dont buy it much.

I don't think energy drinks are really any worse for you than coffee. I tend to drink them in the summer when Im not in the mood for coffee or tea.
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6 cups of espresso to get me to work and through morning briefieng (50 minutes).
After that its about 20 cups of drip coffee until 3 pm and possibly another 6 espressos for the afternoon/early evening.
No one has gone there... so why not say Powerthirst.... (not quite work safe) You know for when you need to be uncomfortably energetic.

When Red Bull still had ephedra in it, that stuff was ridiculous. Now that it does not, most of them are about the same IMO. A couple taste a little better than the rest, but really I buy whatever is cheapest and usually in sugar free. In the colder months though, I'm a coffee man.
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Probably Red Bull most of all, taste and energywise. Happiness for me would be like, unlimited Red Bull. I think Red Bull either has more/better combo of B-Vitamins and/or Taurine. Otherwise, red Monster Assault. As far as coffees go and their "energy" content, the coffees that kicked my *** into gear the most are these Taiwanese/Vietnamese coffees in a can I buy from the Asian market. Holy crap those are strong. And they're like 69c for an 8oz can, and not as super duper sweet and creamy as the Starbucks/other American canned coffees.
Probably Red Bull most of all, taste and energywise. Happiness for me would be like, unlimited Red Bull. I think Red Bull either has more/better combo of B-Vitamins and/or Taurine. Otherwise, red Monster Assault. As far as coffees go and their "energy" content, the coffees that kicked my *** into gear the most are these Taiwanese/Vietnamese coffees in a can I buy from the Asian market. Holy crap those are strong. And they're like 69c for an 8oz can, and not as super duper sweet and creamy as the Starbucks/other American canned coffees.

I can honestly say that I've tried just about every energy supplement mentioned in this thread so far, yet I haven't seen anyone mention the Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso. It's really no joke. For such a small serving size (6.5 oz.) it does pack a punch, at least for me it did. The only reason I didn't mention it amongst my favorites is because it gives me the runs. I have no idea why. It just messes with my stomach and before you know it I'm sitting on the can for a half an hour. For those that like a coffee based energy drink, give this a try for sure.

I actually do like those. They're quite good, but I'm talking more the Monster coffees and the Starbucks in a big can. Those just aren't coffee tasting enough. The Asian coffee I drink usually is:
Both knockoffs of Japanese "Boss Coffee" canned coffee is super popular in Asia...
I actually do like those. They're quite good, but I'm talking more the Monster coffees and the Starbucks in a big can. Those just aren't coffee tasting enough. The Asian coffee I drink usually is:
Both knockoffs of Japanese "Boss Coffee" canned coffee is super popular in Asia...
Where do I find these?
And this canned coffee is actual coffee and not a milky sweet sticky drink with a hint of coffee flavor in it (like Starbucks and Monster)?
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