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Edwin Jagger DE89 razor Item of the Week 3/11/13

Fourth shave last night with the DE89+Feather. This is definitely a better combo for me than GSBs.

I also tried using Musgo Real cream as a pre-shave while I lathered up a sample of MWF soap (on a side note, any tips for loading the brush with a tiny sample of soap? I ended up taking it out of the tiny jar, mushing it down into as broad and flat a surface as I could on a plate, and loading with that). I got a great lather out of the MWF, but something on my face felt like it was burning. Not sure if I was having a reaction to the MR or the MWF, or what.

The Feather does a much better job in this razor of slicing through the piano wire on my chin, but I still find myself longing to go back to the slant, or an SE.
I missed yesterday's report because of an interview so here's two day's worth.

Thur. DE89L with a GSB, MWF face lathered with the VL brush, four passes; WTG, XTG and two ATG, witch hazel followed by vintage Old Spice. Another grand shave. This is getting delightfully boring.

Fri. Only changes were Palmolive Gut2.2 and Master's Bay Rum. A tiny bit of irritation on my adam's apple where I carelessly over reached the lathered area and it was gone by the time I posted this. I'm starting to love the effect of the doubled up ATG passes, close - long-lasting shaves.
Another good shave today with the EJ/Feather combo but not as smooth as yesterday's and I think I know why.

Same exact prep: shower/exfoliate and use TOBS Sandalwood cream as pre-shave (hand rubbed it in). Then use AOS Sandalwood soap as lather with badger. Today, the shave was a bit rough and not as slick (today was only the second use of the blade). No cuts/nicks at all, but not a smooth shave. At first I thought that it's because I had a brand new blade yesterday but then that didn't make sense that there would be this much difference after only one use.

I then read on B&B (old thread) that you never want to clean the blade with a toothbrush or an abrasive because it can take off the micro coat on the blade. Well, I cleaned the blade yesterday with DW soap and an old toothbrush before storing it and again this morning before using it.

Would this really have dulled the blade?

After shaving, I followed with Alum Block, then WH, then Proraso ASB... nice.
Would this really have dulled the blade?


Sounds like the answer is probably.

For what it's worth, I leave blades in until I change. Just rinse the razor. No problem, and I doubt it ever would be a problem with stainless blades. Of course I would take the blade out before long term storage.
While the EJ/Feather combo gets a lot of praise, I found that it didn't work well for me. So far, my favorite shave combo is the EJ and a Nacet Platinum blade.
I run it under hot water, shake it off, then lay it flat on a towel, then fold over a corner of the towel and just lay it over the top of the blade for a short period of time to pull away the water. The running water should clean off anything remaining on the blade, and my water is scaldingly hot, so most germs would be killed, though that isn't my purpose for rinsing it off.
Final shave -- a third great shave with the feather. Did only two passes, got DFS. Used MWF without Musgo. No burn, and felt moisturized after the shave, so I may be sensitive to something in the Musgo Real cream.
Ok, so if I'm a "clean freak", what do I do with the blade in between shaves? Humor me!
I don't understand the necessity of scrubbing the blade with a toothbrush. It has been bathed in soap for how man minutes? It has only been in contact with you so any germs it might have picked up were ones that were already on your face. They're your germs. Make friends with them. If you insist on ruining the blade with an abusive cleaning proceedure after a shave just go ahead and discard it after one use. This will increase the expense but it will also increase your comfort and reduce your anxiety. Good luck.

Last shave this week was 'bella' with Cella. Face lathered with the trusty VL brush, four passes, WTG, XTG and two ATG. Same fine results. WH then OS AS. Five O'clock shadow didn't arrive until 11 pm. 'Course I don't know why I call it five o'clock 'shadow'. It's silvery, not dark, so I suppose I should call it five o'clock halo. Probably the only halo I'm qualified for.
The Edwin Jagger DE89 was the first safety razor I bought, and it is still a joy to use. So smooth it and consistently gives me great shaves. I like to use Gillette yellows, greens, or Astra SPs in mine( I usually get 4 good shaves out of one blade)


The wife's investment
Thanks to everyone for participating. I was out of town this weekend and had limited computer time.

Stay tuned for more Item of the Week threads and come back as often as possible.
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