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Decided on Favorite Tobaccos

After some testing and tasting I believe I have zeroed in on the tobaccos I will cellar for long-term, continued use (always subject to change).

Frog Morton (original) = said to be a mild English blend. Really tasty with a hint of sweetness.

Tashkent = will be my go-to oriental blend.

McClelland 5100 (Red Cake) = go-to Virginia. Not yet tasted but holding for awhile is McClelland Christmas Cheer 2013; will probably add more Christmas Cheer in future years and hold to age.

Aromatics, not thrilled with. Do have some Lane's 1Q but don't think I am an aro guy.

Burley, have some bulk from a local shop. Nice, but the above are nicer.

And, with the possible future exception of a perique blend, that is what I intend to have as my mainstays. Will consume the samples I have from time-to-time just to give me more jar space to store the real keepers.
I wasn't too thrilled with Lane's 1Q. Mac Baren Original Choice is one of the few aromatics that actually tastes as good as it smells in the tin. It's a blend of Virginia/Burley/Cavendish and doesn't have the famous Mac Baren tongue bite. I get lots of compliments on the room note.
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