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Brush project.

How long are you letting it sit with the glue before you lather up?

Well, I am still putting the final finish on the handle, three coats of polyurethane. After that is done, I'll silicone the knot in temporarily and test drive the brush I'm so excited...
Yeah that's what I was thinking. I'm on duty this weekend so it will get put on hold until Sunday night. All I know is when it's done, I'll probably break down and make another one...I have a whole other blank left.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. I'm on duty this weekend so it will get put on hold until Sunday night. All I know is when it's done, I'll probably break down and make another one...I have a whole other blank left.

Nice, can't wait to see them.

I have another piece left from that cherry wood stock. I might make another handle as well. I still have about 4 blank cherry wood stocks. But i visited Rockler woodworking a few days ago, and i saw some VERY nice pieces. Including cocobolo wood. They were cheap, so i might pick some up saturday morning.

I couldn't make up my mind on what finish to use, so the guy there (probably a manager) told me to borrow the marine spar varnish until i was finished with my project. He saved me about $35 on the half hallon. I ended up buying a few dremel sanding heads because i didn't feel right walking out the store with nothing. But i'm definitely gonna get some cocobolo pieces, and maybe a few other exotic woods on saturday.

If i end up making another brush handle, i'm definitely going to order the knot first. I ckecked the tracking today and i won't be getting it until monday. Oh well.
Great choice on the cocobolo, I have worked with that wood before and it is amazing. I wish it wasn't so expensive in larger pieces. I would love to make another brush out of an exotic stock.
+1 on the cocobolo. Nice stuff to work with. Turns well with sharp tools and is very stable. A good choice for a brush.
If your mountain mahogany came from a different continent, it would be an exotic. Mesquite burl and Osage Orange from Texas are among my favorites. Bigleaf Maple from the NW can have amazing figure, I haven't work with it, but most maples are nice to work with. So many choices.
I was just talking to my brother about a table top and he asked me what hardwood has a lot of grain and character and I said cocobolo. I then said, you won't like the price however.

My mahogany came from Idaho, Dave. I wish it was from some other continent. I have heard there are some nice hardwoods in south America. Funny you mention big leaf maple...my gun cabinet is big leaf.
Here's the gun cabinet. I made it way back when I was a younger chap. My craftsmanship was still in it's infancy.

I apologize for the picture quality, I don't use it that much anymore and I have it in my storage room. Please excuse all of the random things stacked around/on top of it.

Cabinet looks nice, no need for modesty. And fair well in what ever the service calls you to do this weekend. Deep sea rescue seems like the definition of a "high pressure work environment." My hat is off to you my friend.
Thank you for the kind words, gentlemen. I have been wanting to refinish the gun cabinet for the longest time, I'm afraid my profession and new hobby of wet shaving has prevented this.
Hey I spent a lot of time with cocobolo so some things you might consider before jumping in. Seriously consider wearing a mask when turning and sanding. It is can be an irritant. We love the beauty of it. But my Dad developed a serious rash after a couple of years. Granted if you are in North America you've never been exposed. My Dad ended up at the dermatologist with a rash the Dr "had never seen before". To test you can put a few shaving in the crook of your elbow under a band aid see if in 24 hours if it gets irritated.

Because of the oily nature I recommend wiping it down heavily with acetone. As soon as it evaporates ( very quickly) get your finish on. I like a base coat of thinned shellac it makes a nice barrier. Then use a UV finish or it will turn black quite quickly. We made a pen that disappeared within a year. With a UV specific finish we are at 2+ yrs with no loss of color.

Marine epoxy for setting the knot works well. We are starting using a marine varnish from Holland. It isn't very economical but under heavy water use is shows excellent results.

You can find some stunning cocobolo from Tropical Hardwoods in Sellersville, PA. They reforest old coffee plantations with new trees so there will be enough for woodworkers for a long time. Awesome to work with. They have some pieces with amazing color. Color I haven't seen in retail for years. Not cheap but for a special piece I would go to them. They also have teak - equally wonderful.
Thanks for the info Klovgren. I will check that supplier out.
Good tip on the cocobolo dust. While I am not sensitive to cocobolo, it is a fairly common complaint. Walnut and eastern white cedar, on the other hand, are terrible on my allergies.
Thank you for the recommendations and advice, sir. It sounds like you have had quite the exposure to this wood. I hope that your dad got better quickly. I too love the teak, it is a beautiful wood.
Thanks guys! My Dad now wears full gear for turning. He wasn't initially irritaed - it took a few months of on and off turning for it to appear. So if you get a weird rash - just reddened and itchy and in the oddest places - waist band of jeans, neck creases then that's it. Also before ..... taking time to visit the restroom...wash your hands well. Love the cabinet - btw. If there were 8 or 10 more hours in the day...:)
I usually wear a long sleeve under armour when sanding. I also wear a breathing mask and goggles.

No cocobolo at rockler today, They did have cocobolo for pen turning blanks, too small to make a handle. Oh well.
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