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Aussie Pass-around box

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First: again many thanks to Andy. The box is...well you are going to be in for a great treat!

But even better than the box: meeting such fine Gentlemen as khun_diddy and boldsworth! Again many thanks for the great welcome to Adelaide and it was indeed fantastic meeting you both - I really hope it will happen again soon!

Now to the box...

It's a bit beaten up so I think we need a new for the long way to Melbourne:wink2:

It is SOOO heavy...and now a peak inside:

OK, I think that's enough for tonight :lol::lol::lol:

I still can't believe all the goodies in there - I am going to have a sleepless night wondering what I can use in the next 2 weeks...

Tomorrow is my day off from shaving (I shave every 2nd day), so I have some time to think.
After thinking about it hard - I decided to limit myself. For the most part I am going to use the following 2 items from the box:
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I had both of these before, but feel I never gave them enough time - and I don't want to do the same mistake again. So for at least the first 3-4 shaves I will only use the NEW and I will use the brush for the whole 2 weeks.

My first couple of shaves are going to be with my own well known blades and soaps, so I can get a feel for the razor and then I am gradually going introduce creams and blades from the box...

So first shave is going to be tomorrow and I hope to post a review and pictures straight away.
Gentlemen, today was the first shave with the box.

Before I move on, I think I should give a brief background into my shaving habits. I have been wet-shaving now for more than 2 years and have gone through quiet a lot of razors (although nowhere near as many as boldsworth) :lol:

Merkur Progress, Various Techs, Fat Boy, Hoffrritz Travel Slant and Eclipse Red Ring to name some. My current line-up includes an ATT R1 Kronos, a Weber PH, a RazorRock Stealth Slant V1 and the RazoRock DLC SS Slant – yes I do like stainless steel :wink2:

As for brushes, I have tried many boars (SOC, Semogue 2000, Omega 20102, Omega Bambino), a horse (Vie-Long 12705B) and a badger (EJ Medium in Best). My current brush rotation include the mighty Omega 49 boar and the super soft Whipped Dog Silvertip 24mm/48mm badger.

My favourite blades are PolSilver SI, Voskhod and Gillette Silver Blue - Feathers do not agree with me and I use blades usually only twice.

I usually face lather using soaps. The only cream I have is Weleda for travels. My favourite soaps are Stirling, Mike's, Otoko Organic, and Haslinger Sheep.

I shave every 2nd day and I cannot shave after a shower, as my skin puffs up and is too sensitive.

I use Occam pre-shave soap (the only shave product I use for every shave – highly recommended and based in Melbourne), then I lather up and use hot towels to saturate the whiskers. I have to do 4 passes, as my beard grows in some places all over the place: WTG, XGT, XTG/ATG (so exactly in between) and ATG. I aim for (and usually get) a BBS.

I like to lather up after my final pass while I clean the razor – so I like a brush to hold enough lather for at least 6 passes.

After cleaning up, I rinse once with hot water and then with cold water. Then I use a alum block, clean the brush and shake out excess water, before rinsing again with cold water.

After a couple of minutes I use some alcohol free Witch Hazel – either Thayer's or Stirling.

I only use scented after-shaves when going out etc.

So after this long brable here the first review:


Razor: Gillette NEW (from the box)
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (2nd shave = 8 passes)
Brush: B&B Essential (from the box)
Soap: Mike's Bay Rum
Alum Block
Thayer's alcohol free Witch Hazel

Let's start with the brush. I almost forgot how easy and fast you can load your boar. It probably takes half the time loading this one than my WD 24mm. Having said that, that actual lathering on the face takes the same time, if you want to take your lather right to the glossy and sleek spot.

The brush is definitely not as soft as my silvertip – there is no denying. However I find boar scritch far more pleasant than badger scritch. Badger scritch for me (like my old Edwin Jager in best) feels like needles on your face, whereas boar scritch is ex-foliating. And boy do I miss the boar scrub – so pleasant. But I have also to admit, that I can only lather up with the brush before the first pass. While with the silvertip I can do circle motions even after the 4 pass – with the boar it starts to get unpleasant. Also, the boar releases lather easier, so I had to scrape some lather into a bowl as the lather was starting to fly around the bathroom :)

View attachment 508828

The shave: The first pass was very pleasant and the razor is very effective, yet super smooth. During the second pass I was careless for a tiny moment on my upper lip – and there the razor bit me straight away. I understand why people regard the OC as aggressive, you have to be careful all the time. The third pass was again very smooth and un-eventful. I took extra care during the ATG pass – but still the razor bit me again (this time on the chin) – so two tiny nicks during this shave. Therefore I didn't go for any clean up and would rate this as a DFS+ shave – BBS in some, but not all areas.

The razor head is very smooth and efficient, I understand why so many people love the NEW. The handle on the other hand is simply to short and too light for me. I am used now to my heavy stainless steel razors and even my aluminium slant has a huge handle – which I love. I do have large hands and like to have a bit of room on the handle. Also, I think the razor is top heavy and not perfectly balanced.

All in all it was a very pleasant shave, apart from the 2 nicks. The razor is very efficient and smooth – but still needs some respect and the handle is too light and short for me. The brush whips up lather in no time and has a great scrub, but I am not sure if it can hold on to 6 passes of lather – but I will try...

Next review: hopefully on Monday – have a great weekend gentlemen.
Great first review. I eager to try the new. Like you however I prefer longer handles that's why I have been hesitant to pick one up. That said my merkur 37c is the exception.
Yep, very informative review and so detailed. Great idea to give us some background, which then puts your review into context. Must do that when its my turn.
Thanks gentlemen - I thought I might as well give a background once, as i plan to do 6-7 reviews. And I think it is important to know, if the guy who loves his Omega boar also has 10 $300+ badger brushes in his stable or only 1 tweezerman :lol:
Today was my second shave with the box:


Razor: Gillette NEW (from the box)
Blade: PolSilver SI (1st shave = 4 passes)
Brush: B&B Essential (from the box)
Cream: Speick (from the box)
Alum Block
Thayer's alcohol free Witch Hazel
Aftershave: Speick Balm (from the box)

As you can see, today I used almost everything from the box – there is simply too much stuff to try and too little time, so I had to throw away all the soft approach tactics...

Let's start with the brush and the cream again. I haven't used a cream for quiet some time now and I can't even remember when I last face-lathered with a cream, Boy, when they say use an almond sized piece – they mean a pea size with this cream. This stuff just gives endless amounts of lather. I added water – lathered on the face – brush exploded and lather started flying around – scraped off lather onto a bowl – added water – and again and again – maybe 5 or 6 times? As you can see, there is tons of lather, but again I couldn't get the brush to hold more than 4 passes of lather...


Anyway, just be super minimal with the amount of cream you use with Speick. I also like the smell, and the lather was dense but also very slick. However after the ~2nd pass I started to feel a bit of a burn. I usually only use natural products and nothing with perfume – don't know what is in there – but after the fourth pass my skin was irritated and again I didn't go for a clean up.
The shave itself: I love PolSilver SI – and with this razor there is no exception. After last shaves drawing blood, I was super careful this time and all 4 passes were very smooth and effective. This razor definitely demands some respect – and this time it got it from me.

As already mentioned – I think the cream does not agree with my skin – what a shame I really like the smell and performance – therefore no clean up and again a DFS+ shave – BBS in most areas, but not all.

The after shave balm: I am a balm person and almost all my after-shaves are balms – however they are also alcohol free. Felt the alcohol sting straight away – and again what a shame – I like the smell of this, but the alcohol is a deal-breaker for me.

All in all, my face feels good now – after ~30 min. my skin calmed down completely and I have a great face feel – so a good shave.

Next review: hopefully on Wednesday

On a side note: for the next 32 days I am at this wonderful place on the beach, and this is the view from my shave den:

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