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Anyone using just one brand of blade?

I'm working my way through the WCS Everything sampler. I've narrowed it down to three contenders: Lord Platinum, Astra, and 7 o'clock Yellows. I'm focusing on those three until I use them up. The winner will be my sole blade, at least until I work my way through a 100 pack. I'm using these three blades exclusively for the next few weeks to determine the winner. Right now the Lord Plats have the edge over the Astra. I'll try another Astra or two just to make sure, and the winner will go head to head with the Yellows. There can be only one (for me, at least).
Just Feathers, forced my self to just stick with one blade and it's make pay more attention to prep and technique.... (going on 1 year w/ DE now)
no way i could use just 1 blade.. There are too many good ones out there and the differences are fun to explore. From Voskhod to Personna Reds to Labs to Polsilver to 7oclock Yellows and Blacks to Feathers to Rapira to Lord Plats... in random circles. I have all of these in bulk plus a few others.. but am re-ordering yellows and feathers shortly..
I simply use Wilkinson Sword every time. No nicks, no blood, no complaints. Tried various others, Derby's seem to remove more skin than hair and Personna's seem better suited to removing bird**** from windows, IMHO!
Not yet as I'm working my way through a sampler pack but even after I get through that there are at least 4 brands I've enjoyed. Really can't see me sticking to just one.
I am still working through some samples, too. I really do like Super Iridiums the best so far, but I just tried a Personna Platinum over the weekend, & found it to be a great blade as well.



I got moves like Jagger
Rapira SS (pink'n'blue package) for me. The only time I use a different blade is when someone gives me something to try. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Went through a couple of sample packs and settled on the Feathers. Bought 400 off the B/S/T and I have been PIF'ing the remainders from the sampler packages to folks when I pass along a DE.
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