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Another newbie 1st shavette shave

EB Newfarm

Cane? I'm Able!
I know I am still under 10 SR shaves, but I still really am struggling in a few places where I can't seem to get a good angle or am too uncoordinated to get a good pass. I am trying to stay WTG. The places I am feeling confident at are getting great results though.


Remember to forget me!
I know I am still under 10 SR shaves, but I still really am struggling in a few places where I can't seem to get a good angle or am too uncoordinated to get a good pass. I am trying to stay WTG. The places I am feeling confident at are getting great results though.

In some areas, I simply can't position the razor to go WTG, and end up going XTG. This is made more complicated on my chops, due to a handlebarred goatee. However, I've not found this to be a problem with careful enough handling.

EB Newfarm

Cane? I'm Able!
Thanks, I will try XTG in those spots next time. One thing about trying out SR is how easy it makes DE shaving feel!
Don’t be afraid to experiment and do unorthodox passes. I do a lot of hybrid angle strokes when shaving, sometimes it works a lot better than the normal passes. Focus on finding what’s comfortable and not nicking yourself, then build your skill into good shaves.
How's your stropping going? I found that that was more difficult than shaving. And what about that shavette? I've been getting pretty impressive shaves from my recently acquired Focus 21 this past week.

EB Newfarm

Cane? I'm Able!
I have not used my shavette since the straights arrived. My Maggard's strop seems really nice and I use it before and after every shave. I hope I am doing it right, I am not trying for speed or anything, but I wonder if it is doing much of anything. I have only used the leather part. I aim for 20 before and 20 after. I am holding the strop fairly tight and not putting any pressure on the razor. I actually practiced stropping using the shavette without a blade in it to get the movements down. I also have done this to find better angles on my face.
My lapping film has arrived, but I have not started using it yet. Lots to learn and lots to read for the wise mentors on this forum. Thanks to those who keep posting basic help for newbies. I really do read and appreciate what has been passed along.
I am trying to keep the long game in mind. I sometimes decide to stop with the SR and go to the DE if things don't seem to be going well. Baby steps-right? Keeping the lather runny and trying not to be careless is about all I can handle right now.
I'm sure it is a basic question, but sometimes I am using just a small part of the edge and not the whole length of the blade. Like by my jaw near the ear. Is that typical? I'm not really using the whole length except on the broadest part of my cheek. I have to admit, I feel pretty clumsy, and this is a lot harder to figure out than switching to DE from carts. I also shave my head with DEs, and the idea of shaving my head with a SR seems a million years off. Baby steps right?
I'm sure it is a basic question, but sometimes I am using just a small part of the edge and not the whole length of the blade. Like by my jaw near the ear. Is that typical? I'm not really using the whole length except on the broadest part of my cheek. I have to admit, I feel pretty clumsy, and this is a lot harder to figure out than switching to DE from carts. I also shave my head with DEs, and the idea of shaving my head with a SR seems a million years off. Baby steps right?

It was typical for me to use the toe more often than the heel. I still revert to that often. I try to employ the heel more around the jawline and the whole blade as often as I can. It just takes practice, it’s not right or wrong, though it does help with edge life if you’re using more of the length than just some.

I found that around 50 shaves or so my skills and discoveries plateaued. I was using my DE to do the ATG and clean up. At about 80 shaves I forced myself to use only the SR/shavette on a daily basis, regardless of the outcome, it is only then I really learned how good an SR shave can be. The parts of the BBS didn’t last as long as my DE shaves, but it was pretty darn close!

EB Newfarm

Cane? I'm Able!
Thanks Chris. I only shave a few times a week in the summer, so I figure it will be a long time before I hit 50, much less 80, but I'll get there!
=My Maggard's strop seems really nice and I use it before and after every shave. I hope I am doing it right, I am not trying for speed or anything, but I wonder if it is doing much of anything. I have only used the leather part. I aim for 20 before and 20 after. I am holding the strop fairly tight and not putting any pressure on the razor.

20-30 before and 20-30 after on leather sounds like a good plan. If the strop is not doing much of anything, then you will know it as the blade's edge will deteriorate rather quickly. Same holds true in doing too much as the edge risks to be rolled there. Getting the tension right and listening to the sound the blade makes during each pass takes time. A lot also has to do with the grip of the shank and how the blade is flipped. I like Sham's method as given below, although I prefer to start from the top, rather than the bottom, and hold both pieces together with my off-hand when stropping.

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+1 for Sham's video.

I had to watch it three times until it clicked. Totally changed how I perceived stropping. But then with about 2 minutes of practice I magically stopped losing chunks from my stop.

And the whole "flip the blade" thing got me started on a looser grip while shaving. Made a whale of a difference.
20-30 before and 20-30 after on leather sounds like a good plan. If the strop is not doing much of anything, then you will know it as the blade's edge will deteriorate rather quickly. Same holds true in doing too much as the edge risks to be rolled there. Getting the tension right and listening to the sound the blade makes during each pass takes time. A lot also has to do with the grip of the shank and how the blade is flipped. I like Sham's method as given below, although I prefer to start from the top, rather than the bottom, and hold both pieces together with my off-hand when stropping.

Great video find! Thanks for sharing.

EB Newfarm

Cane? I'm Able!
Thanks for the video. It was useful. I took a few days off from shaving and it seemed easier with more growth. Managed a full shave, tried some new strokes, angles, and grips. some worked, some did not. Pretty happy with the Dovo. MITA always makes me feel good.
Thanks for the video. It was useful. I took a few days off from shaving and it seemed easier with more growth. Managed a full shave, tried some new strokes, angles, and grips. some worked, some did not. Pretty happy with the Dovo. MITA always makes me feel good.

Always love hacking off a couple days growth...just feels soooo good! The problems is having to wait for it in the mean time, lol!
Agreed. With straights, I prefer shaving every 48-72 hrs., rather than every 24 hrs. What I'm learning is that shavettes do have their place when a sudden occasion arises where I need to be clean-shaven within 24-36 hrs.
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EB Newfarm

Cane? I'm Able!
Small milestone tonight, I shaved my face(opting to leave my head alone for a few days) and was able to do it for the first time without using a DE for touch-up. Managed every part for at least one pass, and in some did two. Feeling much better about angles and maneuvering. Far from BBS, and actually not even quite DFS, still, I would appear to be presentable to all but those who would inspect like a military Drill Instructor. Much praise for the Bismark, and Stirling Lime products.

EB Newfarm

Cane? I'm Able!
Still working at it, but do not feel like I am making much progress. My trouble spots are still trouble, and I still feel like it would be best if I clean up with a DE. I think my stropping is improving though.
Patience grasshopper! This is the final level of traditional shaving; the learning curve is steep! As long as your shaves aren’t moving backwards, you’re moving forwards.

Keep experimenting, something will click for you eventually!


Remember to forget me!
Patience grasshopper! This is the final level of traditional shaving; the learning curve is steep! As long as your shaves aren’t moving backwards, you’re moving forwards.

Keep experimenting, something will click for you eventually!


It's not enough to stick at it long enough to figure out what's not working. You have to stick at it till you figure out what does work, and which of those ways that work, works the best for you. It takes time, but then so do most things that are worth doing well :D i'm still having my frustrations too, but every shave is another lesson, and one step nearer the shaves I want to achieve - even if those steps seem to have gone backwards :p
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