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2016 Speakeasy Bingo-Start Signing Up!!!

I have no Idea what the second word was, but since I don't have that combo of letters on my card, I'm not going to worry ^_^
The 1st word went live this morning and the 2nd word just went live.

Hope you guys are having fun.:blink:
I know others are doing far worse than me, but something has to give soon.
Something already gave..... my patience!

So close, yet so far away. I also worry that I haven't figured out the stupid anagrams yet so hopefully I haven't missed a word I need!


Well, I'm on the board for today. Seems like my MO is get one, two days in a row and then nothing the next day. Let's see if I can buck this trend. Two carefully placed words and I can win this thing now four different ways.
The 1st word went live at 7:04 this morning.

The 2nd AND 3rd words just went live. I have a very busy evening tonight so I thought I would just go ahead a post them both.
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