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2016 B&B Bingo: Aftershaves Edition

Still only see one... Been revisiting the posts every hour or so. Nothing. Nada. Zilch
the man has only had like, 10 posts today in this forum.

How can it be this freakin' hard?!
Those are commas!

I apologize for my response. I would say the same thing even if I weren't a lawyer: Objection! Non-Responsive!

In any event, I want to thank you for consuming so much of my time on a meaningless endeavor. I really am enjoying this!
Still only see one... Been revisiting the posts every hour or so. Nothing. Nada. Zilch
the man has only had like, 10 posts today in this forum.

How can it be this freakin' hard?!

+1 I have spent at least 4 hours on this today. I have found only 1. I have looked at every thread that was updated today time and time again. I'm just not seeing the other 2. What the heck?? Heck I've even looked at the HTML code and still can find only 1.
Has anyone found all 3 today?
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So I guess we have made it to that all too important stage in our relationship....WHERE I RILE UP A CROWD AND COME AFTER YOU!!!

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Anyone else have any luck?

KJ :c12: Spider-Man :c12: VEZ ~ Aftershaves Forum Steward
"I came for the shaves... I stayed for the Banter!"

Who I am: Father of 4 * USAF (Ret) * Engineer * Freemason * VFW * Tarantula Wrangler * Snake Charmer
Avon's ALPHA Team ~ "Amway Tonga" ~ Bootlegger's ~ Captain's Club ~ Noble Knight (VEG) ~ Order of Pinaud ~ Vintage Avon Find
3BSC (BINGO!) ~ Excalibur Club ~ LOSER ~ Rubberset 400 Club ~ SABRE ~ The Shav-trix ~ WISE Man

Show-Me Shavers (Missouri Group)__________ B&B Bingo - Wiki__________ 3BSC Bingo - Rules

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