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My Guess... 3017

Today I thought I saw the bottom peeking through ... but it was a false alarm.

Same thing happened with my Palmolive which is grated into a mug. I poked with a fingernail and found it's still soap all the way around.

I bounced a few times before settling back on Palmolive. DRH Arlington, and AoS cream. I thought the latter might lure me to stay with creams, but then I used the Palmolive and it was game-over for the AoS. At least for now!


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Thanks for the info. I've never used a soap that has any cinnamon oil before, so this would make sense.

Are you a Cinnamon Girl? :lol: I kid, I kid.

I used a Cinnamon soap ones too and thing I had a similar reaction. :blushing:

I figured this was more your to your liking then the original. This used to be a work buddies favorite band, I had never heard of them before that or after for that matter.

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Are you a Cinnamon Girl? :lol: I kid, I kid.

I used a Cinnamon soap ones too and thing I had a similar reaction. :blushing:

I figured this was more your to your liking then the original. This used to be a work buddies favorite band, I had never heard of them before that or after for that matter.
Haha I guess I'm not a Cinnamon Girl after all :lol:

As for the song,
I'm way more of a Neil Young fan than Type O, but thanks for thinking of me :thumbup1: I mean really, how can you beat this...
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Final shave from my MWF puck this morning. It was another great experience and MWF is certainly one of the soaps which I will always try to have on hand.
Tomorrow sees the start of a puck of Haslinger Ringelblumen (Marigold). More fantastic shaving ahead of me!
I'm beginning to see the bottom of the dish in spots with Boellis. I am still getting more than enough lather for my 2 pass shave from 5 seconds worth of loading, and may get stretch this 85 g of soap out to 8 weeks if I'm lucky (compared to 4 the first time around).
Five more shaves, then a few "free days", then on to a new product.

Thinking about going with either B&M Latha or Pre de Provence, but I also thought about Mike's Lavender or Speick cream. Opinions?
Just a month once again. If I used something I absolutely loved, I'd probably go another month. I have so dang many products that I would like to dump the ones I don't love.

Thus far, TOBS Mr Taylor gets an "I don't know" from me. Had absolutely wonderful early impressions followed by good lathers, not quite as good as early on. The scent bugs me a bit as it's kind of synthetic. I almost wish it was unscented. I left the lid off today to try and air it out a bit and see how it changes.

Anyways, I think I'll put my TOBS Sandalwood in the "sell" pile. The scent again is kind of synthetic to my nose. I'd rather pick up AOS Sandalwood if I want that strong, intoxicating woodsy scent.

Speaking of, I used my AOS Sandalwood balm today. Man, that's a great scent. Using the soap for 75 shaves or so in a row dulled me to it a bit, but after a break it's fantastic.
Five more shaves, then a few "free days", then on to a new product.

Thinking about going with either B&M Latha or Pre de Provence, but I also thought about Mike's Lavender or Speick cream. Opinions?
I vote Latha, from a selfish standpoint - I am curious about that soap. [emoji2]
Since you're only going a month PdP wouldn't be intimidating. I recall you having mixed results on previous uses, right? If I were you and trying to whittle down to the best I'd rule one way or the other on one like that.

I'm also really into lavender and have read that Mike's is spectacular (could anyone compare his to C&S Oxford & Cambridge?)

Speick, well it's Speick and I've always wanted to try that one too.

Latha is cool in that it's reputation is great soap at a nice price point, though that's not something I'd be chomping at the bit to evaluate - other than to know how I'd feel recommending it to new shavers.

I'm not a lot of help but PdP to make a decision would be my first choice, especially because you may not even need the whole month to decide with your prior experience to guide you.


Now half as wise
I broke thru to the bottom of the jar of MdC! My usage has increased a bit as the soap got softer. So far, 163 grams of soap for 104 shaves, averaging about 1.6 g/shave. I'm guessing about 3 weeks or so left.

Probably cinnamon oil. The 5am has a very small amount of it, but some people are super sensitive to it. I actually had to stop using several soaps because they were high in it myself. Don't ever try my Cinnamon Girl if a puck crosses your path, it's got something like 20-30x the cinn oil in it as the 5am had so if 5am lit you up, cinnamon girl will be a nightmare.
This soap may have a very short stay if cinnamon is the culprit. I've had some bad reactions to cinnamon in the past (SCS Pumpkin).
I broke thru to the bottom of the jar of MdC! My usage has increased a bit as the soap got softer. So far, 163 grams of soap for 104 shaves, averaging about 1.6 g/shave. I'm guessing about 3 weeks or so left.
Wooohoooo!!!!! Have you been using it exclusively?

I love seeing MdC get used up. It pulls the unicorn breath out of the sails of people constantly chanting that it lasts forever.
Since you're only going a month PdP wouldn't be intimidating. I recall you having mixed results on previous uses, right? If I were you and trying to whittle down to the best I'd rule one way or the other on one like that.

I'm also really into lavender and have read that Mike's is spectacular (could anyone compare his to C&S Oxford & Cambridge?)

Speick, well it's Speick and I've always wanted to try that one too.

Latha is cool in that it's reputation is great soap at a nice price point, though that's not something I'd be chomping at the bit to evaluate - other than to know how I'd feel recommending it to new shavers.

I'm not a lot of help but PdP to make a decision would be my first choice, especially because you may not even need the whole month to decide with your prior experience to guide you.

I'll probably always keep PdP around just to make lather. My experience was mixed for sure, and I don't know if I'd rate it highly. But I do think I'll give it a go closer to winter as it gets very dry around here.

If I were planning the next several months...

June - B&M Latha
July - RazoRock XXX
Aug - Proraso Green
Sep - Speick Cream
Oct - RazoRock P160
Nov - Haslinger Schafmilch
Dec - AOS Sandalwood
I managed to finish off my jar of MdC in 112 shaves. My only complaint is that I seemed to be using much more soap as I was getting near the end. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to opening my jar of MdC l'Original in the future. I have moved on to a jar of NY Shaving Cream company cream. Previously I had opened the jar to smell it and dropped it so I am not starting with a full jar and so far I think that is a good thing (I am not enamored with the scent).

I swear after soaking my Simpson 58 I can give it a good shake and merely point it at the opened jar of cream and I end up with enough lather for a complete shave and probably for half the people in my neighborhood too. So far my shave are not nearly as good but that may be related to my 3017 of my DE blade samples and I moved on from feather to dorco... I also noticed that if I splash water on my face between passes with the MdC my face is slick but with the cream there is no residual slickness. I am going to see if I can dial back the lather explosion and get some good shaves out of it before the end.

This Saturday will mark exactly one year of DE shaving. It will also coincidentally make a year of 3017... but I didn't know about this thread when I started. Like most people I went a bit crazy at the beginning getting too much product so the concept of using what I have and trying to get the best out of them struck a chord. That and this is probably one of the more interesting threads I have run across. On a positive getting all this shaving stuff has cause me to stop buying fountain pens and ink (another hobby that will save me money because I an not buying the disposable cheap stuff - :laugh:)


Start Finish Soap
2014.05.31 - 2014.07.09 (40) Edwin Jagger Sandlewood Shaving Cream (100ml)
2014.07.10 - 2014.09.03 (56) RazoRock XXX (125ml)
2014.09.04 - 2014.11.13 (71) Proraso Shaving Cream Soap Menthol and Eucalyptus (150g)
2014.11.14 - 2015.01.31 (79) RazoRock Classic (150ml)
2015.02.01 - 2015.05.23 (112) Martin De Candre Savon à raser Fougère (200g)
2015.05.24 - xxxx.xx.xx (4) New York Shaving Company Elizabeth Street (65g)
This soap may have a very short stay if cinnamon is the culprit. I've had some bad reactions to cinnamon in the past (SCS Pumpkin).

Worth a shot if you aren't super sensitive. I recall one of the TFS soaps (orange something) lit me up because of cinnamon, but I get no reaction to 5am; there's really very little in there. I did have to stop shaving with Cinn Girl though. Using it a few days in a row caused a rosacia looking effect on my throat.
Wooohoooo!!!!! Have you been using it exclusively?

I love seeing MdC get used up. It pulls the unicorn breath out of the sails of people constantly chanting that it lasts forever.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Tabac lasts twice as long for me as MdC, just because Tabac lends itself to proper loading, whereas MdC is so easy to load, it's normal to heavily overload a brush, like it or not, that is partly why it's so easy to lather. It wouldn't surprise me to see someone get 200ish shaves out of it, but the claims of daily shaves for 2 years I disbelieve.
The only way I can see MdC lasting for years is with a tiny brush, very little loading, and skipping shaves. I think most people just use it a few times per month and think it lasts forever.

I love the scent and don't want to spend $60 to replace so I'll also be using it sparingly.

Forgot to mention, yesterday I left the top off my TOBS Mr Taylor jar. It weighed 138g after the shave. This morning it weighed 134g before my shave. Not sure if it was moisture from the brush loading that evaporated or if the cream itself dried out a bit. I would think some of the latter. Also, when I took out cream to put in a travel jar, then added the cream back, it seemed softer.

Either way, my lather was exceptional today. I used my Shavemac 24mm 2-band silvertip, loaded for a good while, and had 3-4 passes worth of cream. Didn't think that I loaded more than usual and it weighed about 2g less than before loading, but there was a lot of it and the shave was fantastic.
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