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my new tony miller

So I have been looking at his strops and as most know he dose small runs of strops as the leather that he deames good becomes available.
A few weeks ago I checked Anthony's web sight and the 2 1/2 in steerhide is sold out...along with everything else Lol.

I sent him a email asking when he thinks he will do another run of the one I'm after..he replys a few hours later telling me the he has one left from the last batch at his shop.and its mine if I wanna buy it.I was juiced!!!but I had no money.I just paid my rent and am going paycheck to paycheck.Itold him this and said I get paid next friday.but I understand if you can't hold it.

He replyed hes not gonna list for sale if I want it, he will hold it.if not hes doing more in a few weeks but to tell him if not so he offer it to others.

That was last week and now there's a brand new tm box I my living room waiting for me to get home and open it!!!

Just wanna say thanks for working with me Mr.miller
He's what we would call a good ole boy where I'm from, the kind of fellow you would want living next door to you.




Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
That's just more of the many reasons why it's great doing business with TM.
He is excellent to deal with and his product(s) are top notch and when you see they go up for sale you better grab one, I have been checking daily for a 3" Bridal leather and no go so will be patient and keep checking
He's a gentleman and a scholar.
Here is my plan chocolate 2 1/2 inch strop.
Love it
Harp: Does your TM have a linen second component?
I've been wondering what Tony's linen is like, if your has his linen can you bring it along this weekend I would love to see it.

I wish I had his linen component. When I enquired, I was told that the linen second is only available with his higher end strops and I was only able to get my hands on a plain vanilla.
I recently got a TM with linen and it is spectacular! It made a noticeable difference in my edges for sure.

Outstanding and welcome to LOGL! (lovers of genuine linen). I am such a fan that all my strops have real linen as the second component except for my Kanayama and as near as we have been able to figure out, that is hemp.
I wish I had his linen component. When I enquired, I was told that the linen second is only available with his higher end strops and I was only able to get my hands on a plain vanilla.

Recently was able to get linen with my PV. Maybe because he hasn't been able to get "top quality" leather lately?
Lucky! Congrats! I've been checking non-stop trying to get my hands on one of his bridle strops. I almost have given up and purchased a Kanayama #3 instead. I just don't like having to pinch the strop and would rather have the D-rings or handles. I'll be waiting anxiously until I can get my hands on one of his.
Tony is a gentleman's gentleman! Enjoy your strop.

Ain't that the truth! I was looking at old threads (knowledge is forever, right?) and found one where Tony is writing about how much effort ANOTHER strop maker puts into his product and how well it is worth it in just the labor costs. Not often you find someone willing to speak so highly of his COMPETITION, is it?

ETA: betcha he comes in shortly to say he doesn't consider them competition as much as fellow craftsmen...
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