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Shaving 5+ Days Growth

I know a lot of people shave every day or every other day, but I assume a lot of guys grow out their beards maybe on a regular basis or on occasion. Do you guys do anything special/different when you shave your beard after 5+ days of growth oppose to 1-2 days of growth? Maybe a more aggressive razor, a sharper blade, a more protective soap/cream? Maybe you spend a little extra time preping?

I'd love to hear from you guys but here is my experience. Today I shaved 6 days of growth. I usually don't wait that long, usually every 3 days for me because I like that 2-3 day growth look. Not really thinking I went with a Gillette Tech, and it was just too mild. I have sensitive skin so I prefer the mild razors over the aggressive ones, but I had to switch to my EJ DE89 after 2 passes because the Tech just wasn't getting it done. At the end of the day the shave was good, but I definitely know for next time to not use such a mild razor for that much growth.
I also get the best shaves with a few days growth. Whenever I have some serious whiskers to mow down, I always reach for an OC. They work really well for that. I almost exclusively use OCs now, but I have done this for a long time, even when using safety bars.

I shaved yesterday and hadn't shaved since thanksgiving. My NEW mowed right through the growth and I got a three pass BBS. Same prep, same soap, same blade.
The longest I've gone is about 3 days, but for me that's pretty stubbly (is that a word)?

I used my DE89L and a new blade, and it cut through like butter. I only one other razor (slim adjustable) and can't imagine it would work any better ... probably worse. For me, the EJ seems to have more heft and still great balance, so it makes sense it would work better for the heavier duty job.
in winter months i rarely shave my beard off ( usually a trim, or outline it ) .. if i use a DE i trim down to a #0 hair clipper attachment then go from there , if i wanna just take it off the straight razor works wonders !
Week of Growth...

Most OC razors...

Anything more than about 5 days I use my Kai Captain with a Kai or Feather blade. Those things remove hair like a farmer shearing a sheep!
Anything over 3 days growth, I use a Slant with a Feather blade. Nothing special about the prep or software, I just use whatever is in season, but shaving after a hot shower seems to improve things a bit.

Slants work best the more you feed them, so put it to work on a 5 day beard and it really goes to town.

With good prep and proper technique, I have gotten BBS in one pass this way. It doesn't happen every time, but its happened often enough that it doesn't surprise me anymore.

I can, and have, taken on a 5 day beard with my regular 1-day razor, a Merkur 34G and Derby blade. Or any razor/blade combo for that matter. It takes more passes, and the results aren't as good.

Slant/Feather is the way to go.
Use a straight!

Or, for those who don't want to go that far, OC works wonders on the heavy rough.
If I've got a few days' beard an OC will mow it right off like a scythe. TBH I use OCs most of the time anyway, but they really shine with some growth.
Mühle R41 is my daily driver, however, it's an ideal razor for 5+ days growth. I had the best shave I've ever had with that razor after a week of hunting. I suppose the only thing I did any different was give my beard a bit more of a warm water soak than my daily routine.
Anything more than about 5 days I use my Kai Captain with a Kai or Feather blade. Those things remove hair like a farmer shearing a sheep!

I've got a week's growth on my face (still shaving my head daily, the missus asked me to try it!) and I'll be reaching for the Kai Standard that I received from you, Brian.

I'm actually really looking forward to shaving tonight, this beard is getting itchy.
I have an adjustable and in those cases I open it out all the way and use a new blade. I rinse the razor more often so it doesn't clog but it's not really a problem. I just use very light pressure and the first pass takes off all but one day of growth. Then I adjust it back to 4-5 and the second pass (normally the first pass) cleans it up. 3rd finishes it smooth. So I just add a pass to knock it down.
If I had that much growth, I'd use an open comb razor. If you don't have or want to get an OC, you could use clippers to reduce the beard.
My hair grows extremely fast, and is extremely coarse, so I would personally need clippers first. The longest I would go without using them first would be 4 days. Even with that, it would take Open Comb with lot's of blade gap.
I had the best shave I've ever had with that razor after a week of hunting.

Perfect situation to grow/have a beard.

I have a beard related question for SE guys: is the Gem Clog Pruf really clog proof? I like testing products that make bold statements with their name, but I'd never be able to grow enough beard to test it.
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