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How to be a Good Server OR How to Convince an Entire Shaving Forum You're a Jerk

Would you settle for a watermelon?

If you came down here all the way from Winnipeg -- sure, don whichever headgear you prefer. To keep you from being disappointed in advance, though, you should know that the Kentucky Derby involves the riding of horses (not moose)! :tongue:
If you came down here all the way from Winnipeg -- sure, don whichever headgear you prefer. To keep you from being disappointed in advance, though, you should know that the Kentucky Derby involves the riding of horses (not moose)! :tongue:

I thought it was just a crazy big hat.
It wouldn't surprise me if she kept his rotting corpse propped up in a chair in the dining room. :001_smile

Oooohhh... I guess I did not think of that.... disturbing as the thought and visual is,(thanks Ouch) I just can't see a woman being allowed to be that high maintenance if they aren't smoking hot. seems like she would have had her attitude corrected a long time ago. Hell, if I was her waiter, she would have been wearing her chilli fries on the first visit. And if that had happened, I am sure she would have listed it.

#73 do not dump chilli fries on customers head.:wink:
If you pay close attention to the Sean Connery Bond flicks, youll see that the second his current woman gets out of hand, Smack!, that beotch is down! But they always seem to love him just a little more afterwards, not to mention never acting up again.. Just a thought for the posters husband.

I really wish I knew how to use the spoilator feature here because you would click it to reveal the words...

WIFE BEATER! (Not me, Bond)
wow, just wow....
having read this thread as a result of figuring out a reference in another thread, I can honestly say, that, ummmm, I'm at a loss of what to say....
Of all the thoughts that hit me while reading this, I will only mention a few:

1) Restaurants have servers to serve the patrons, they are not your servants! The other bases have been covered regarding servers, their duties, etc...

2) I vote that any reference to "masticable" be stricken from the potential custom titles (unless, of course, we find evidence she is.....:001_rolle)

3) In my research to find out what "springs1" meant from aforereferenced thread, I stumbled across her myspace page in which she specifically, at the top of the page, says she enjoys going to restaurants, b1tc41ng about the food, getting servers fired, etc., as a hobby. 'Tis very disturbing, indeed.
At my previous place of employment, there was a parent of a student who was just literally insane. She checked the online grade viewer of her children at least once daily, and if anything was out of place, ie grades were the same as previous day, nothing new entered, average lower because grade wasn't yet entered - she was actually drove to the school because she checked grades while the teacher was entering them in, and because the teacher wasn't finished yet and the child's average wasn't right at that moment, she was all fired up, complaining at the teacher and principal....no amount of logic/reason could settle her down. She takes a legal pad everywhere she goes, writes down every word you say if you talk with her, takes it with her weeks later to try and find you in contradiction, just absolutely NUTS!!!!!!
While I was still there, we actually took the parent online grade viewer off-line to stop that particular problem, but she's still a parasite to those poor folks over there.
What's my anecdote have to do with the OP? or shaving at all? It's a merging of an elephant and rhinoceros.
I can actually see this springs1 person being this way, a thorn in everyone's side, and until someone gets the gumption to confront her and take her off her little pedestal, it'll carry on.
I think the Bond solution would eventually work, a'la "Taming of the Shrew"

but the ultimate answer is, she needs Jesus

and a Lady Gillette, some Derby's or Dorco's, Kiss My *** Face, ........

Tony Miller

Speaking of horse butts…
I went into McDonalds the other day and the chef was not wearing his hat and using the knife entirely wrong...I wonder if he even went to culinary school.... :)

:w00t: awwww. I saw the post got bumped up and was hoping Springs1 had been back to provide me more entertainment.

The assertion that someone needs to set her straight begs the question, Why hasn't someone? I tell ya.... Smokin hot.
Me too...but I think she got banned.

Where is her myspace page? I Need a good laugh.

I just googled "springs1" and it was one of the first listings
BTW gunner, I haven't gotten off work early enough yet to get to the post office, but will tomorrow, taking 1/2 day off for anniversary
I think, after looking at her myspace page, that "she" may be a fictitious internet creation, designed to be an über-troll on multiple websites and forums.
I think, after looking at her myspace page, that "she" may be a fictitious internet creation, designed to be an über-troll on multiple websites and forums.

I was just going to suggest that. And we're still (10 days and 170+ replies later) giving her the attention she wanted and putting this unbecoming piece of troll-itude front-and-center on the top of the Barber Shop. IANAM, but if I were, I'd vote to put this thread out of its misery.
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