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Do you use a case for your DE when you travel?

Yes, Just a little sheath with a snap on the top I bought from Amazon for $11.


I take it you just remove the blade? Or do you store it in your checked luggage? If its the latter...does the blade itself travel well in the leather case or does it get dinged up?
I purchased a case kit for my Sansa Fuze. I had no use for the zippered case and what do you know, an HD and pack or two of blades fits perfectly.

I have a Feather Portable and a Gillette Travel Tech. The Feather Portable is great. It works with almost any blade (Feathers are a little harsh though). The Gillette Travel Tech is very mild and works best with Feather blades.

If you purchase a Mini-Maglite AAA it comes with a plastic travel case. It is the perfect size to flt a 3 piece razor with a pack of blades.

An eyeglass case, or a plastic soap container, or an Altoids Tin case will also work well.
I use a Merkur travel razor most of the time when I travel. It comes with a leather case and is very compact. I also sometimes use the case that my Weishi razor came in. The razor is ok but the hard case is top notch, fits most standard razors.
No case here. There's elastic loops in my hanging shower kit that holds the razors (and other things) in place. They stay put and don't get beat up.
When I travel for business it is often for 2 weeks at a time. I place 2 or 3 razors (minus the blades) in the box my Simpsons brush came in. This and the rest of my shaving goodies are then put in my dopp kit and into one of my bags.
I don't travel that often, but when I do I just toss my $6-at-the-antique-store fat-handled Tech and a pack of Derbys in my shaving kit, no separate case.
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