If you ever make you way out to the SF Bay Area, you should visit the brewery in Santa Rosa. It is nothing special, but they have some amazing beers only on tap. I personally love their Perdition.
I made the trip this last July
If you ever make you way out to the SF Bay Area, you should visit the brewery in Santa Rosa. It is nothing special, but they have some amazing beers only on tap. I personally love their Perdition.
I can't find this in the States, but fell in love with it while stationed in Germany. Ah, Belgium, thank you for all your wonderful beer.
We have this in Rochester, so it is imported, though I doubt it makes it as far as Alaska.
Good stuff--both kinds were on sale at a local bar for $2 a few months ago, and I "sampled" the heck out of those bad boys. Now and again I'll pick up a bottle at the local beer store.
Well played!I made the trip this last Julygot the sampler...stumbled out.
I used to buy it by the case from the Belgian officers club at Ramstein. Glad that it is at least available in some parts of the country. Anyone out there tried the Alaska Brewing Company's offerings? http://www.alaskanbeer.com/
I am especially fond of the Amber and Winterfest brews.
Saying what your favorite beer is, is like saying what your favorite child is. If you had 3000 children.