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You can tell it's cold


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
You can tell it’s cold outside because when you go outside it’s cold.🥶
Lola soaking up some sun at 18° F.
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1°F when I left for work this morning; "feels like" temp was -5°F
I actually enjoy the cold, but that's taking it a little too far.
I hate the cold and temps under 75 is when i start needing a sweatshirt. But this freezing weather there is no piece of clothing even battery powered ones that could keep me warm outside.

So i will stay inside in front of their pellet heater eating these "homemade" peanut butter and cracker sandwiches and give their weenie girl some peanut butter and watch the outside through the window. It's been a decent outside episode today the light breezes have made a few of the leaves still on trees come falling down and their 2 white ducks came out from under their home thing and gulped down some snow. And their weenie barking through her front door made me think some deer might be coming to the back yard but i think the mail deliverer made her bark so no viewing of guest stars today has happened yet.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
I feel like my home has been magically relocated to somewhere in Canada.

Meanwhile, in Canada...

We're suffering a heat wave. Well, I guess "heat" is relative; anything above Absolute Zero is "heat" to a physicist.

But we're usually around -25C and this morning it was all of -8C. (For those who only speak Fahrenheit, that's a usual low of -13F and it was about 18F this morning.)

Also, we've had maybe 10 cm (4 inches) of snow so far, in five little drops of about 2 cm (about 3/4 inch) each. Normally I'd have at least a metre of snow on the ground and have plowed the driveway about once a week. Haven't even started the tractor yet.

Third year of a drought, lookin' like.

Meanwhile, in Canada...

We're suffering a heat wave. Well, I guess "heat" is relative; anything above Absolute Zero is "heat" to a physicist.

But we're usually around -25C and this morning it was all of -8C. (For those who only speak Fahrenheit, that's a usual low of -13F and it was about 18F this morning.)

Also, we've had maybe 10 cm (4 inches) of snow so far, in five little drops of about 2 cm (about 3/4 inch) each. Normally I'd have at least a metre of snow on the ground and have plowed the driveway about once a week. Haven't even started the tractor yet.

Third year of a drought, lookin' like.


I'd say we live in the same place but I'm not in Canada. Similar winter though
The feels like temperature in Jacksonville, FL this morning was 20 degrees. It barely warmed up. Now it's 26 degrees. I'm running a half-marathon in Charleston on Saturday and it's supposed to be 24 at the start.
Cold means different things in different places. I grew up in Michigan and am no stranger to a cold winter. My grandparents were in Minnesota and that was even colder. -20F is a fairly common cold winters day. If you’re not prepared for it you can get yourself into trouble at those temperatures pretty easily.

The other day my Australian children were complaining that it was too cold at 24C (75F). Granted we were sitting in the shade on a sunny day. There may have even been a light breeze. I could not believe what I was hearing. I almost went on an old man rant about how they didn’t even know what cold was. “Back when I was your age…” I managed to contain myself and suggested a jumper. I do not miss the cold.
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