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xbox one or ps4?

I've always been an Xbox guy. I am definitely getting the new one. I am on the fence about the PS4. The used game thing or persistent connection doesn't bother me. I don't take my console to a cabin in the woods without internet. You will be able to share your games with up to 10 friends. The major decision maker for me was the online service. XBL>PSN.
My purchase will depend solely on which game is released first; a new God of War or a new Devil May Cry. I have no intentions of buying either system until a new game in those series is released. For some reason, I find that I just don't particularly enjoy many other games besides those and racing games. As far as racing games go, I'm satisfied with the current Forza and Gran Turismo. No need to buy a new system for the new fancy versions...
My rule of thumb is to buy the 'game centered' console between the choices. Last gen that was the Xbox 360- this gen it is starting to look like the Playstation 4.
I have a ton of games that I need to get through before I go next gen anyways- so I probably will just wait and see which of the two releases are stronger after the fact.
I'm not looking at either one seriosuly as I've turned into more of a PC gamer. However at a push I'd buy the Xbox 1. The PS3, which I own and the PS4 haven't impressed me. People at E3 made a big deal about Sony backing used games, but we forget that trade-in prices are abysmal, used games cost too close to new. Also publishers still have a say on what they limit. Let's not also forget that PC has been doing this for years with no issues. Although we get far better sales through Steam. Thats just my view. I can't back Sony just because they said you can play a pre-owned game. It's hardly a deal-breaker for people with even low paying jobs. The console costs several hundred £s now so prepare your wallet either way.
Are they still going to be releasing new upcoming titles (even exclusives) on PS3/360 after the new consoles are out?
Yes, the older consoles will still be supported. The PS3 still has a couple of exclusives but not too sure about the 360. It would be wise to keep some plug space for them.
If you guys want to join a community of mature gamers, goxmg.com. This was originally an Xbox group but many folks do PC and PS3 gaming. Good discussion on the new consoles there as well.
It's probably worth saying that unless you care that much about exclusives a gaming PC is the way to go here. You can hook it up to your TV and play the latest games for cheaper with better performance. Cyberpower is a good international site to look at.
Are they still going to be releasing new upcoming titles (even exclusives) on PS3/360 after the new consoles are out?

Im sure there will be some exclusives, but the big titles like Halo will saved for the next gen. I wish they would spread them overall, but they have money to make.
Does anyone know the official PS4 launch date? I see titles being released for it in October, but my Amazon order shows it won't ship until December 31st? Is this just a placeholder until they actually put an official date, or is it the official date?
It's a place holder date. There hasn't been a release date announced yet. If you preordered with Amazon it depends if you got the launch edition or the standard edition. There is no difference between the two other than the launch is the first wave that are released.
I hope the companies don't pull the BS Nintendo does by releasing small quantities at launch to make the product seem popular.
There almost always is a shortage at the launch of the big consoles. I just hope it won't be like the PS2 launch where you couldn't even find crappy accessories.
PS4 simply due to MS policies about used games and the always listening Kinnect.

I had both the PS2 and Xbox, then picked up just the Xbox 360 as my original Xbox games were backwards compatible. Now, with the Xbox One not supporting backwards compatibility, there is no reason to stay with MS.
Is the PS4 going to be backwards compatible? If so how far back can I go, I have a PS2 kicking around here somewhere that I pull out to play God of War and a few other games. After that I went XBox 360 (which I think I'll end up replacing because I do like it) but I don't think I'll be buying the ONE.

It'd be nice if I could get rid of my old PS2 and play those games on the PS4 the like one time a year I feel like playing them.
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