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Wow this ebay sale is ridiculous

im not going to post the link for obvious reasons, but their selling a fatboy for $185. but the razor itself is really clean. it looks brand new but is it worth it??
Fatboy fever. I should sell mine, and buy it back once the craze has died down.

Hopefully the next craze will be Slims, as I have four :001_wub:
No, that's paying Monopoly money.

For that price you might as well buy a new Feather All-Stainless to support a proper BB forum trader.

I dunno. The market for Fat Boys is hot right now but it won't last much longer.
At that price it'll always be a collectible. As we all know, collectibles only are worth what someone's willing to pay.
I use my Fat Boys because they are good razors.
not worth $185, but good razors none the less!
Fatboy fever. I should sell mine, and buy it back once the craze has died down.

Hopefully the next craze will be Slims, as I have four :001_wub:

I'm thinking the same thing. I have 4 of each and I'm willing to sell off 2 of each.
not for $185 mind you, but market prices for the condition.


My elbows leak
Staff member

Not a chance.

I know, people say "It's worth it if someone pays for it" but to that I reference you to the U.S. Housing Bubble that recently burst and the plethora of people having paid hundreds of thousands for a house worth half that.

A lack of sensible judgement on an e-bay'ers part does not mean the razor is worth it.
If you catch the market on an upswing then you can take advantage of it.
When the market falls and you're holding on to a bunch of products that you paid $50 for and now can only sell for $20, well you lose.

That's the way the game is played. Collectible razors are nice to have one or two in your back pocket, just because. As I've said before, there is nothing wrong with user grade razors. they have a blemish or two but they function just fine. So what if your Razor doesn't have paint in the numbers? Have you noticed that a nice workhorse razor like the Futur doesn't even have painted numbers?
Well, if a person is willing to pay that for a Fatboy, to them it's worth it (regardless of market conditions). However, I couldn't see myself paying that much for that particular razor. If you are asking if the Fatboy price is above generally accepted current market value, I would agree it is.
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I don't think it is because you can buy an almost identical item for alot less. I think that if you're buying razors with hope that you'll make money on them, then I think you're very silly. I only buy razors that I want to own. I don't care whether the value goes up 10 times or it ends up being worth 10 cents.
I don't think it is because you can buy an almost identical item for alot less. I think that if you're buying razors with hope that you'll make money on them, then I think you're very silly. I only buy razors that I want to own. I don't care whether the value goes up 10 times or it ends up being worth 10 cents.
My feeling exactly.

My Rule: I buy it to shave with it. If I don't like it, I sell it--and I don't care if I take a loss. This saves a lot of time, which believe me, is best spent on other activities.
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