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Worst shaving video that i have seen yet.

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I have to admit, a month after seeing this, I still hear the first line he speaks frequently in my head right before I'm getting ready to shave:
"Do-to-do-to-do......Time to Shaaaaave!! Ble-le-le-le-le!"

It's tattooed in my brainwaves.
Is there some way modern science can somehow erase this memory from my brain so I don't have this going through my head anymore? I need help! :confused1:biggrin1:
After the first 20 seconds, I figured he was either an idiot or a moron.

I watched. I cringed. I felt ill.

I looked at the titles of his other videos.

I watched a couple of them . . .

After "Camera in Washing Machine" I had to stop and ask myself . . .

Duh . . . Brad? Brad? Duh . . . why are you watching this Brad? Huh? Huh?
thats one of the most hillarious things I've seen in a long time :lol:. people should stop being so serious about it, and take it for what it is. A guy being comical, and making people laugh. Sure, he has some stupid posts, but compared to what's out there on the net now adays, it's pretty funny. My hats off to him for making people laugh, about something mundane, and so menial as shaving.
I can't wait until he peels his face like a tater!

Not to mention that there is another video where you can see the hideous condition his ceiling is in. He made a comment that he plans to fix it once he saves up some money for drywall. Makes me want to recommend that if he shaved like a real man, and quit giving all his money to Gillette, he could fix the ceiling in no time.
Someone please give him a straight and save evolution the job of weening out his genes from future idiots.
( one would hope he never reproduces but I'd rather be safe than sorry)!
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