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World's Tackiest Razor Stand?


My elbows leak
Staff member
A bit of coathanger and the desire for a razor stand provided me with what is possibly the ugliest shaveden accessory in seven states :biggrin1:
Cheap and unattractive but EFFECTIVE :thumbup1:


No matter what anyone else says;

It's yours, it works, and it was free.
That's three for three in my book. Good job.

If someone thinks you ought to have a different one, maybe they'd be willing to pitch in to the fund to buy you a "store bought"?

I didn't think so, :lol:
I'm sorry, but the claim of World's Tackiest is taken. See below. I haven't used canned shaving cream in months, but I had this old cap lying around. Epoxied the bent coat hanger in the bottom, threw in some loose pennies for weight, and behold!


To be fair, I don't actually use this any more; I put the razor and brush back in it for the photograph. I bought an overpriced Colonel Conk metal brush and razor stand, have ordered one pipe rack for some of the spares, and am looking at some other pipe racks and test tube racks for additional razors.
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I'm sorry, but the claim of World's Tackiest is taken. See below. I haven't used canned shaving cream in months, but I had this old cap lying around. Epoxied the bent coat hanger in the bottom, threw in some loose pennies for weight, and behold!

Holy Cake!!! :scared:
You win! :wink2:

This almost seems like we should have a competition to make a razor/brush stand. Limit it to a couple of materials like coat hangers and PVC pipe that were mentioned in this article heh. Might be kind of fun. Reading through this almost begs me to make it a personal challenge.

You can just set 'em up on end, but when you get a few razors, then you can get a couple more in them free tubes by laying them down and making some holes. They get kind of rolly but duct tape fixes anything! :001_wub:

If I'd a known that you would want pictures I would have got all the paper off that last one...:blushing:

You can just set 'em up on end, but when you get a few razors, then you can get a couple more in them free tubes by laying them down and making some holes. They get kind of rolly but duct tape fixes anything! :001_wub:

If I'd a known that you would want pictures I would have got all the paper off that last one...:blushing:

This one gets my vote!:001_tongu

You can just set 'em up on end, but when you get a few razors, then you can get a couple more in them free tubes by laying them down and making some holes. They get kind of rolly but duct tape fixes anything! :001_wub:

If I'd a known that you would want pictures I would have got all the paper off that last one...:blushing:

Well damn, thats cool!
I got to tell ya.... You guys have lifted my spirits! :001_smile I'm still a noob to wetshaving, and SWMBO has me on a tight budget putting together my den. :cursing: This has forced me to get "creative" at times to say the least. I recently made my own razor stand out of some stainless steel wire I had in the shop. What a pitiful site it was:c3: I wasn't even sure the WGW would let me put it on "her" bathroom countertop due to its lack of asthetic qualities. :bored: However (and I say this in the kindest way:001_smile) after seeing some of the "creations" here... I'm not too embarrased of my stand anymore.:thumbup1: Thanks again for the pick-me-up!
It's not any worse that the PVC pipe sections I've seen glued together for combination razor/brush stand and blade disposals.

Now this intrigues me.


You can just set 'em up on end, but when you get a few razors, then you can get a couple more in them free tubes by laying them down and making some holes. They get kind of rolly but duct tape fixes anything! :001_wub:

If I'd a known that you would want pictures I would have got all the paper off that last one...:blushing:

The only thing wrong I see is the LV in the back. :scared:
"Yo ho, Yo ho!

Razors in toilet tubes, whoever had that notion?
And now Sandmountain Slim is sad
That they block the shaving lotion
'Now that's a ghetto stand!'
Said the Cap'n to the Bos'n
Who knew that Lilac Vegetal
Would cause all this commotion!

Yo ho, Yo ho!"

I think there's a rule on the forum that if you post a picture of a toilet paper tube, you have to have Lilac Vegetal in the same picture...:confused1
"Yo ho, Yo ho!

Razors in toilet tubes, whoever had that notion?
And now Sandmountain Slim is sad
That they block the shaving lotion
'Now that's a ghetto stand!'
Said the Cap'n to the Bos'n
Who knew that Lilac Vegetal
Would cause all this commotion!

Yo ho, Yo ho!"

I think there's a rule on the forum that if you post a picture of a toilet paper tube, you have to have Lilac Vegetal in the same picture...:confused1

Now you make a very good point! :lol:
Now that's a good idea; if my name was MacGyver I'd knock something up in an instant :001_smile

There's pics of some of the home made shave accessories from some of our fellow members around here somewhere. Some great ideas. I've used one of them, the Empty soup can with a slot cut in the top and painted, well, to look not so much like a soup can for a spent blade holder.
You guys are creative!! I just put my razor in one of the toothbrush holes in the toothbrush/cupholder attached to the wall. We don't use it for toothbrushes anymore, seperate stand for them.
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