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Wife screwed up my shave!

Wait until she bumps your arm while you're wielding a SR. :death: 4 stitches later...... She doesn't come anywhere near me anymore and does an admirable job of keeping the kids at bay.

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I don't even have a door on the master bath, let alone a lock. We're pretty good about sharing the small sink. I can see the shower from where I lay in bed. Watching my wife strip down to get in the shower is how I wake up every day. Life is good :)

My wife has little interest in my shaving. She just sees me spending money. But I do use her to judge the shave on feel and smell after I'm done. So far she's a fan of Proraso, VIBR, and PdP. The main benefit that she enjoys from my new found shaving is how much better I take care of myself and my skin which she enjoys looking up and reading about products.
Get a paddle strop and wield it menacingly saying things like "I know how to use this properly" Make sure your face is covered in lather when you do.

She won't bother you after that :001_smile

erm... mine might get excited about that and drag me away from my shave! :) LOL!!!
Ok...to the guys waxing on about their wives stripping down to get in the shower bla bla.......... I'm just gonna say what everyone is thinking........



three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I have my own bathroom, but she did come in to clean once and re-arranged part of my den. I did have to give her a stern talking to - but nothing physical was required and the offense was never repeated.
Luckily, the wife doesn't budge out of the bed until I am way gone for work. But on several occasions on the weekend, she will intrude, to do make up, shower, you name it. Quite annoying, but I can multi-task and shave and answer questions, argue, what have you, all with no ill effects to my face........ So far!
I'm generally already cleaning up the sink after a shave by the time my wife wakes up on a weekday. This stems from our previous apartment only have one sink, meaning I had to get up early to shave so as to allow her to use the sink as soon as she was ready for it. It works out well though because I get a nice, quiet shave and the coffee is ready for her when she wakes up which earns me bonus points :laugh:
Ah yes, my wife and daughters have the same habit of disturbing me whenever I am shaving, or brushing my teeth.

My oldest claims that it is a natural consequence of being the only man in the house :wink2:
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