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Why are so many companies take tallow out?

Does this mean the royals are going to get rid of the ermine collar on their robes, and start wearing plastic shoes and belts?

I think not.

What a crock.
And are they going to stop Fox, deer hunting and Pheasant/duck shooting? The fact one of them even has the gall to bring it up, considering the various "country pursuits" they indulge in, is pretty rich.

The Royal family has no sway in such matters anyway. Charles was at the Copenhagen for Climate talkfest, and most people saw that as a good time to pop out to the toilet.


Wanting for wisdom
I think this is the ultimate reason. The bottom line drives everything in business, and if a company can lower their costs by introducing a cheaper ingredient, they do it.

This is the reason that Coca-Cola switched to HFCS from real sugar. It had nothing to do with taste or consumer desire or being eco-friendly. It was all about improving profits.

There certainly are cases where stupid decisions have been made related to ingredient costs, such as the near death of Shlitz . . . but I hope very much that this generalization is not the truth for the majority of firms.
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I really don't think its a cost issue. I pay more for palm oil. Maye its cheaper in Europe, but I think the cost has to be very close.
I didn't mean to start a flame war. I really wanted to know. At my suppliers Palm Oil is about 20% more cost. Palm oil and tallow go just as far in terms of finished product. It is interesting to me. Goby I actually do care about these things. I talked to a few people that I know about opinions. I think that the small amount of tallow that some soap makers use will not drive the beef market one way or another. I know that you could argue that every bit helps. If that is what you want, and I agree that if most people were vegetarian or ate much less meat the planet would be in better shape.That said, I really don't think at this time people are anywhere near ready to stop consuming meat. You need to make choices. I think that the palm oil market is probably easier to effect, and it is having bad impacts on the Asian rain forests.

You didn't start a flame war. It was a fair question, and I think an interesting answer (whatever it is). There was no insensitivity in your posts (or at least i didn't see it). I wish everyone was vegetarian, but it's never going to happen. Meat tastes too good :thumbdown

BTW, tallow could be better for the environment than palm oil. I doubt that shaving cream is even 1/100 of 1% of all the tallow used in the cosmetics industry, so to me tallow in shaving cream is really a non-issue although I try to stay away from it.

It's like biofuels and ethanol. It's sounds great... gas made out of used french fry oil and corn, but there is also a serious environmental impact.

I hope someone finds the answer soon. My guess is Mad Cow Disease.
One day tallow will return. Some company will start to replace whatever synthetic oil that they're using by that time with fat and it'll make news. Before you know it, there will be a wave of tallow reboots. I only hope that I am still shave-ready at that point.
With the whole mad cow thing, the English probably had to rethink everything they have from soaps to eating sheep's brains. So let's not be hasty in being negative about the change until we actually know the reason. Why doesn't some one ask the 3Ts?

So Mitchell's Wool Fat just thumbed their nose at all that and kept not only the tallow but the lanolin too? Something else must be afoot.

I'm sure it's more than pressure from the Royal Family, political correctness, mad-cow and other reasons submitted here. Ultimately, it has to come down to cost. That is pretty much what drives everything.

Simply comparing costs of raw materials doesn't show the whole picture. Even if palm oil costs the same as tallow it may be that palm is easier to work with, and thus reduces costs for production. Someone who makes soap may be able to enlighten us all. I'm speculating as much as anyone else but would like to know "the rest of the story"
Tallow was mighty easy for me to use. I've made two batches and my friends say it works better than there TOBS, Bigelow, and macca root.
The brain diseases that have popped up in the last few decades can be traced back to feeding animals the by-products from their own kind. They even found similar brain diseases in tribes that still practice cannibalism. The vast majority of tallow production goes into animal food as a protein addition - dog food and cat food accounts for the majority. Up until mad cow and and the brain disease related to sheep, tallow from cattle and sheep was added to their feed. They think this may have been the source for some of these diseases. Anyway, it gave tallow a bad name and a lot of scrutiny about where it was being used. I think it ended up getting lumped into all animal products that are used in cosmetics - and the incredible opposition to them. The plant products are just viewed as safer, "natural", and more humane - and those people aren't going to listen to any argument otherwise.
And are they going to stop Fox, deer hunting and Pheasant/duck shooting? The fact one of them even has the gall to bring it up, considering the various "country pursuits" they indulge in, is pretty rich.

The Royal family has no sway in such matters anyway. Charles was at the Copenhagen for Climate talkfest, and most people saw that as a good time to pop out to the toilet.

Show me where one of them did bring it up? :confused:
The Palm oil I have found is much more expensive than Tallow. I have actually talked to environmentalists ( I live near Boulder, Colorado) and most that I know think tallow is better for the environment. If there was no beef production, they would probably lean towards palm oil with the argument that without beef production there would be much more land available for palm production. As it is now the forest destuction to increase palm oil production is horrible, and I don't think people are going to stop eating beef anytime soon. I decided to use tallow in my shaving cream for a better product and less environmental destruction. It is interesting that the royal family has so much power. I was thinking that it had to be for some weird health concern.
Like it is said here..Not to use all of a a dead animal the was killed for food is very waste full. Use it all.
So Mitchell's Wool Fat just thumbed their nose at all that and kept not only the tallow but the lanolin too? Something else must be afoot.

Salient point. Guys, its really very simple.

It has nothing to do with cost. Palmolive sticks sell here for £0.25. Tallow costs the same or less as palm.

It has nothing to do with Mad Cow. A knee-jerk reaction...over a decade after the outbreak? Come on, Beef sales are doing fine.

You have to understand the differences between the 3T's and say...MWF. The 3T's are located in one of the most expensive regions of the one of the most expensive cities in Europe. Their customer base is rich people who are more likely to buy products that say 'animal-free'. Their marketing gurus think being animal free is very sophisticated.

MWF, on the other hand, is made in Yorkshire in a working class town and is not marketed at Yuppie types. Its not a budget product, but its available everywhere in any reasonably nice dept. store. It doesn't market itself as 'elite', or a lifestyle product, and people who buy it don't generally want that.

Different markets.
yah, plus its probably cheaper too, which helps.

Does this mean the royals are going to get rid of the ermine collar on their robes, and start wearing plastic shoes and belts?

I think not.

What a crock.

Governments can only create the world they do because they don't have to live in it.
As a few already alluded to, it has become kinda trendy to be able to label your products as "vegan" or "cruelty free" or whatever. While I completely respect this and think it is probably a good idea for most items, it sucks for us in this respect. Because honestly, no one is not going to buy a product for strictly being vegan, but their are people who will not buy a product because it contains tallow...so it may be marketing and profit issue as well.

But as others have already alluded to as well, it is a buy product.....why the hell not use it? Won't they just deep fry chicken or something in it if they don't put it in our soaps?
You have to understand the differences between the 3T's and say...MWF. The 3T's are located in one of the most expensive regions of the one of the most expensive cities in Europe. Their customer base is rich people who are more likely to buy products that say 'animal-free'. Their marketing gurus think being animal free is very sophisticated.

MWF, on the other hand, is made in Yorkshire in a working class town and is not marketed at Yuppie types. Its not a budget product, but its available everywhere in any reasonably nice dept. store. It doesn't market itself as 'elite', or a lifestyle product, and people who buy it don't generally want that.

Different markets.

These points seem like they must be the most valid of any brought up yet.
Price elasticities of demand (price discrimination) and product differentiation.

But just about all the euros are going tallow free. Thats not product differentiation, in fact, having tallow would be the differentiation.. And I don't understand what,"Price elasticities of demand" means.
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