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Who's been watching the Pacific


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Tide goes in ... tide goes out ... tide goes in ... tide goes out ...
I'm quite enjoying. On a par with Band of Brothers to me. I think many people have probably seen BoB a couple of times and just got more familiar with it.
I also think BoB came close on the heels of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN which was a farily groundbreaking WWII movie.

The war in Europe was seems to have been covered much heavier than the Pacific in film. Maybe a bit more relatable to people than all the island hopping and jungle fighting?


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
We just had the first two episodes premier last night is Australia. I quite liked it. Next weeks episode is apparently set in Melbourne. That should be interesting.
I absolutely am in love with this show. In HD it blows me away they can create something like this. If this doesn't win at least a few awards then people need a wake up call.
We just had the first two episodes premier last night is Australia. I quite liked it. Next weeks episode is apparently set in Melbourne. That should be interesting.
In Adelaide we had two ad breaks comprising of 10 ads each,in the first half hour.:mad3::mad3::thumbdown I'll wait for the DVD set.:001_rolle:001_rolle
I've been watching since the first episode, and I burn them and mail them to my Grandpa so he can watch them. He was in okinawa as Japan surrendered, and even went through Hiroshima. He talks about the men who were there and how they gave their lives up, so I know this is special to him.

Also, last week's episode, there is a canadian soldier that has my last name! It wouldn't be such a big deal, except my last name is very uncommon, and definitely has french canadian roots. I was pretty excited about that, then I realized the soldier commits suicide. :blink:

Its a great series and I look forward to each episode
Watching this episode was heart breaking. Sledge finally loses his innocence, but in the worst way possible. Truly, war is hell. :crying:
Stunning episode tonight. I knew this was coming since the series was announced, but that didn't make it any easier to watch.
I reckon I'll wait for the DVD, simply because I don't get HBO. In the meantime, I'm stuck with stodgy old Samuel Eliot Morrison's "The Two-Ocean War" history of U.S. Naval operations in World War II. Talk about low tech -- it's an actual BOOK!
For those who haven't been watching the series or are not knowledgeable on WW2 history...


In regards to last nights episode ( part # 8 ) I was disappointed in how they showed the death of John Basilone. If you know John Basilone history its common knowledge that he was killed instantly by an exploding mortar shell as he advanced along the edge of airfield number 1. Last nights episode showed him getting hit in the chest with several bullets from heavy Japanese weapons fire, mortally wounding him.

I don’t know why they would depict his death with such historical inaccuracy but it irritated me. John Basilone is one of the 3 marines this series is based on so there’s no excuse to get that wrong.
I don't get HBO so I guess I'll have to wait to see it. I'll be interested to see how historically accurate the series is since I talked with Eugene Sledge a few times and also spent some time on Peleliu and Okinawa.
I've watched this show since the first episode. I've also seen Band of Brothers several times. IMO, they are different shows, and thus far I prefer Band of Brothers.

The difference is hard to describe, but to me The Pacific is story driven and Band of Brothers was character driven.

Band of Brothers was all about the characters, and I related to/liked them. In The Pacific, I can't relate to the characters.

On the other hand, The Pacific is more "realistic" while Band of Brothers appeared scripted and or cartoonish.
Personally I think BofB was more action based and the extraordinary things they did with a glimpse of the emotional impact. Where the Pacific seems to be more of the impact of the war on the men. The emotional stresses are much more visible IMO.
Agreed Dapper. It's relatively minor, but it's a detail that irked me. I think they did it for the dramatic effect of his buddies seeing him lay there dieing.

I'll have to call some old friends of mine in Raritan and see what the town thinks of it.
i must admit i was really looking forward to seeing this series, but now i have (up to episode 7 - leastways), i have to agree with my 16 yo sons verdict - meh!

it doesn't seem to be hitting my action / adventure button and the personalities of the so called lead characters seem to be disappointingly AWOL.

The most worrying thing for me is that this could turn out to be one big miss firing opportunity. ymmv!
Two different wars imo.
BofB was a great show but it dealt with The "Good" War.
Nazis are nasty but in the last episode we see them taking in a speech from a "good" Germa extolling his men to go home and be good citizens.
Heck we can almost root for them.
Then we get the Pacific which was a sheer war of extermination.
Battle becomes a scenes of butchery which have to endured.
I think this sets a very different, but true, tone for the series.

This kind of sums it up by a war buff that has been to Pelilue many times..
"Speaking of Japanese, in 1994, during the 50th anniversary return to the island, several Marine veterans asked me to take them to Lt. Yamaguchi's last hideout cave located near the beach. Today a sign is posted near a road about 100 meters or so from his cave. We started trudging through the mangrove swamps and soon found it.

I crawled inside and noticed U.S. gear and supplies scattered inside! I figured the Japanese stole the supplies after the battle. Just as I popped my head out of the cave to was show the vets a U.S. hand grenade that I had found, an entourage of people appeared out of nowhere. It was NBC Dateline camera crews filming Lt. Yamaguchi returning to his hideout along with a few other Japanese vets! Our timing was incredible! One of the camera men asked me to exit the cave so that he could film Yamaguchi's return inside. Without hesitation, I crawled out and photographed the once-in-a-lifetime event. This did not go well with my veteran friends who told me to throw the hand grenade that I was clutching back into the hole after Yamaguchi crawled in! Somehow I don't think that would have went well for U.S. and Japanese relationships! It's interesting how some of the American vets still harbor hatred for the Japanese."

Sledge often said he had NO interest in any kind of peace reunion with Japanese survivors . He was proud of all he had killed and hated their guts.

A month ago . I was at a book signing by RV Burgin who was Sledges Corporal.
Someone asked him what he thought of the Japs in 2010.
Without missing a beat. he said he would hate the Jap Soldier to his last breath due to their atrocities.
It was nasty war out in the Pacific and the series reflects this.
Well I've kept on watching despite my earlier misgivings. Am I glad I did! Finally developing some connection with the characters and the battle scenes are absolutely harrowing.
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