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Whisky Stones yea or nay?

I'm not a big fan. I have some stones but never use them. I do use a tovolo king cube on occasion. Chills the whiskey without too much dilution.
I have stones, but recently I've been using ice spheres - something about rolling the sphere around is just nice. I suppose a stone sphere would be perfect.


Tried the stones... Looked nice but not very effective so i gave up on them. Then I found the ice sphere molds at sur la table and haven't looked back. Very impressive looking and guaranteed to impress your guests. Chills the spirits perfectly without over diluting them. I also keep my bourbon glasses in the freezer.
Whiskey stones are great, but they have very specific uses. That is, you want to put a slight chill on the spirits, not ice them down. Ice, for me, always ends up watering down the booze too much by the end. A slight splash of water is good, but a hunk of ice chills too much, and a bit of ice seems to melt quickly and water things down more than I like.

If you're like me and don't have great heat control in your apartment, at any one point your whiskey won't neccessarily be at an ideal temperature. The fridge/freezer is too cold, but an 85F apartment (sometimes even in winter, thanks landlord!) is a bit on the hot side. So using the stones works well.

Just don't expect them to work like ice. You're not going to be making your beverage frosty with these.
If you want whisky on the rocks simply sit on rocks an enjoy your whisky without ice/chilled rocks. If you live in a hot climate however I would recommend that you chill the glass in the fridge before serving as mentioned by Legion
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