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Which best Simpons brush?


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I have a Duke 3 and love it. It is a great all around brush, feels great on the face, handles soaps and creams really well, and can face and bowl lather. I believe this one brush will cover all your bases and give you a great introduction to Simpson brushes.

agreed. I used to think Colonel, but since I got my DUKE 3, i think the D3 is a huge step up in performance over the Colonel, which is also a great brush and less money.

If you can afford $100, the Duke 3 in Best is my vote.

but don't take my word for it, check out these quotes from a Duke 3 thread

6 years later I am BACK to exclusively using a Simpson Duke 3 in Best Badger.

I still haven't come across a brush that I prefer over my Simpson Duke 3 in Best.

Glad to hear, Bob! :thumbup1: The Duke 3 is one of my all-time favourite, too! :001_wub: I also must confess that, lately, I'm very attracted by brushes with smaller handles, like the Chubby 1 or Classic 2. And, soon or later, I'll need to get a smaller Duke also. Yes, the Duke 2! :wink2:
Yeah, i was reading that post this morning, which is the main reason why i was thinking of stretching out my budget up to the duke. Between here and a 2.5 year old post with so many Duke supporters on it I figured If nothing else it will be something i'll enjoy for years to come, and it will be better than my "shaving by alexander pure badger" that i found at an "antique" shop. I'm undecided if i should get the D2 or D3, but I figured i should just get the D3, since i'll probably get that one eventually anyways, and they would be very similiar. [
QUOTE=brucered;4372850]If you can afford $100, the Duke 3 in Best is my vote.

but don't take my word for it, check out these quotes from a Duke 3 thread[/QUOTE]
I have never tried to face lather, but i'll play around with that today for a while. As for the bowl lathering i just found a mug at an antique store which is not very tall (45mm) and since D2 is 87 and D3 is 92 they should both be tall enough right? The mug does an excellent job at retaining the heat though which i like.

I do not mean bowl lathering is not good with a Duke 2, there are just better choices out there with longer handles if you decide that face lathering is not for you. I have merely found that it can be a bit of a pain if you have to reach with your fingers into the bowl while lathering or loading from a soap puck. For me the duke 2 does not work the best with an old spice mug for reference.

BTW enjoy the journey to finding that right brush! And let us know what you end up purchasing.
I was headed for the Duke 3, but was hijacked by the 58 in Simpson's 50 series. If you are not sure whether you will bowl or face lather, it may be a good choice. It is essentially the Duke 3 with a longer handle and a longer loft by 1-2 mm.
My old shaving mug was a bit taller, and I think I understand what you're saying. It's hard to whip up a good lather when you're holding the tip of the brush with the tip of your fingers because the brush isn't quite long enough. I figured that i would watch BST for a while and see if i can find a deal on one of the brushes i'm looking for since i already have a few brushes but if that doesn't happen before too longI'm pretty certain I'm going to buy the Duke 3. I am also looking at the 58 since it's supposed to be so comprable. I'll probably not get it though since i'm already going out of "budget" for the duke 3.
I do not mean bowl lathering is not good with a Duke 2, there are just better choices out there with longer handles if you decide that face lathering is not for you. I have merely found that it can be a bit of a pain if you have to reach with your fingers into the bowl while lathering or loading from a soap puck. For me the duke 2 does not work the best with an old spice mug for reference.

BTW enjoy the journey to finding that right brush! And let us know what you end up purchasing.


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I am also looking at the 58 since it's supposed to be so comprable. I'll probably not get it though since i'm already going out of "budget" for the duke 3.

too bad you missed the deal a couple weeks ago...$86 shipped for the D3 from SuperiorShave and you even got to see which knot you were getting :thumbup:

I hear the 57/58 series are fantastic as well, so probably can't go wrong with either.

Keep an eye on the BST, the D3 can be had there for a good price...I think there was one posted today for under $90

I agree with a few others, the D2 is a bit small to bowl lather, but the D3 seems just large enough. Mine will mainly be used as a Face Lathering brush, but i still whip it up in a bowl/mug to refreshen in between passes.
I've been looking at this since I saw your suggestion. I even read your other post comparing the D2 and the 58. I'm not sure i would be able to afford it, I am jealous that you got that deal though at pasteur's :) If i don't find something at BST, i'll probably pick up a D3 since it's about 30 dollars cheaper.
I was headed for the Duke 3, but was hijacked by the 58 in Simpson's 50 series. If you are not sure whether you will bowl or face lather, it may be a good choice. It is essentially the Duke 3 with a longer handle and a longer loft by 1-2 mm.
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