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Which artificial stone after 6000 grit? 10k or 12k?

Pasted strops will convex the edge slightly, making for much more work on the next stone to get back to the apex. If you want to use abrasives like that, you need to use balsa or some fine grained wood like pine instead of a cloth strop. Point being you won't be convexing the edge so much.

I've found you just have to work on the higher grit stone longer.
Can you get lapping film to bridge the gaps?
I used films currently. They are the best substitute for stones. Actually I want to substitute the 3um and 1um with a stone only (if that is technically possible with artificial stones).
Guys, I talked with this smart guy today. His name is Chatgpt. This is what he told me... 😂

Synths, even as high as 12k or higher, can be shockingly efficient. Honestly, an experienced honer could do a 3k to 12k jump without going crazy.

~1k Beveler to 12k is doable, but more frustrating in the times I've tried it.

Smaller jumps are more to make the process more automatic or countable for less experienced honers... or more efficient for guys honing STACKS of razors at a time.... where setting up and prepping stones/area is a much smaller part of their time investment vs the actual honing process due to the number of razors being honed at once. They aren't strictly necessary. I'd rather have a GOOD 1k, 3k, 12k set than a Mediocre 1k, 3k, 5k, 8k, 10k, 12k set. Would I insert an 8k in the first set if I could? Yeah, but I wouldn't consider it necessary.

When I started out, I bought a bunch of cheap stones trying to build a set with the smallest jumps, figuring that would give me the best results. At one point I had 320, 600, 1000. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 6000. 8000. and finishers. That was a mess and the results were bad because many of the stones were bad.

Today I don't hone from bevel very often, but even when I did still... I'd have 1200 8000 (mesh so ~4000 JIS) and finishers. Honing is easy and my results are repeatable. 2 stone + finisher progression.
When considering a new stone purchase I like to think ahead about the long term set I am trying to create. It’s a good idea to stick with stones from the same series. These have been designed to work together. It’s also wise to make use of the shared group experience here on B&B. The items that become popular here typically do so for a reason.

With that in mind I would be looking at a Shapton Glass 10k HR or Shapton Rockstar 10k. I would be doing that with the long term view of adding the 1k and 3k stones of the same series. If those stones are too expensive you may wish to consider the 0.85 micron Shapton G7. The G7 stones are much smaller but I find them plenty for razor honing. They are more economical than the bigger stones and produce excellent results. Knives and Tools is a good resource in Europe.
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