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Where to Buy Semogue Brushes?

+1 for Vintage Scent.

Just make sure if you order a pricey brush to ask him to actually pack it well (it will cost extra) to make extra sure it gets to you unharmed. Otherwise he ships them out in a small envelope in the very fragile shipper tube to keep costs down. I have yet to receive a damaged brush from him but it's mostly been blind luck...some packages have arrived looking like they went through hell and back, envelope ripped, tubes crushed, one even had what looked like scorch marks on the outside of the envelope...so be aware.
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Thats only partially correct. Vintage Scent only mails it Registered Mail which you must be present at time of delivery to sign for. If you miss it or your mailman is just lazy, it will sit at the Post Office until you can go stand in line and pick it up. Trust me, dealing with this right now. Not a criticism of Vintage Scent, but of the shipping process. But they are the goto dealer as they have personal ties to the company.

Hi folks.

I only want the tracking number to make sure the brush made it to your door. If USPS leaves it in yout door, how can I prove that the package has been delivered?

Sorry for the off topic:001_cool:
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Hi folks.

I only want the tracking number to make sure the brush made it to your door. If USPS leaves it in yout door, how can I prove that the package has been delivered?

I think that this is a very reasonable position to take for a small vendor in todays world. Leon offeres excellent products at great prices and is a top notch vendor. In my view Semogue brushes = Vintage Scent. and other fine products as well.


If you want to check out pretty much the whole Semogue line up in person before buying, Pasteur Pharmacy in NYC is the place to go. Vast selection. Vintage Scents in Portugal, not surprisingly, has the most complete selection.
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