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Where to buy Cordovan Leather

Umm interesting Im curious as well

Ive ordered and made strops out of their horsehide before turned out great although they do have marks and scars. I really dont mind it though.

Tony Miller

Speaking of horse butts…
This is not to be argumentative at all, but its really good information to know.
After calling Siegal, they actually claim to have horse butts and true cordovan according to one of their reps.

Your reply just jogged my memory. Seigel did have the shell ovals at one time now that you mention it. I remember they were small (for strops, maybe 16" or 18" long) and pricey but it is a hard to find cut of leather. I had not seen them recently but then again their website is not all that easy to find things on.

I was thinking you were refering to the usual horse butt stuff which seems to be veg tanned.

Yield is a subjective term. There is a bit more yield on a horse butt or latigo side if usability is the only factor, but once cosmetics come into play it cuts it down a bit. In all honesty I think we go overboard on much of this shaving stuff feeling only the "best" is acceptable. I'm sure our granfathers simply went to the local store, grabbed soap, brush razor and strop off of the shelf and never agonized over it all as well do today. As a business with competition one needs to have the "best" to keep sales up but having a "plenty good enough" is handy as well for those who are more frugal and grounded in their buying.

There are plenty of strips I'd be perfectly happy to use for myself as they will function well but doing this to sell to others I try to be pretty picky and will hold back anything I don't think looks the part for the prices charged. For someone making their own, or to offer simply as functional many of the strips cut would be perfectly acceptable.

Thanks for the reply,
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NO problem. I am glad you looked into because you know a lot about leather. I have said amny times that my daily rotation of razors couldnt be given away. The same could be said of my personal paddle strop. I just wanted clarification because if someone went and bought it, they should at least know that they are getting what they think they are getting.
Thanks for sharing because this type of information can be misleading.
I don't know about cordovan leather, but if you need any corinthian leather, I have a rusted out Chrysler Cordoba on my front lawn. Feel free to swing by and help yourself.

Did Ricardo Montalban approve? I believe he was very fond of the, "rich, Cordoban leeather". :lol:
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