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Where did the three pass rule come from?

This all goes back to the early days of shave geekdom, which may have started as an underground movement in the late '90's. Old methods from the turn of the 20th century were dredged up, studied, and copied as a guide to shaving. Three passes was the standard. And not much later on, some brushes were discovered that were able to hold enough lather for the whole shave without having to whip up more for each pass. Thus, the gold standard for a brush's capacity (although not overall quality) was born.
I noticed when people review brushes and soaps there is a "three-pass" rule. The brush must hold enough for three passes, if not your technique or product must be lacking. Does this rule also apply to bowl guys or is double dipping to get more lather OK?
The "rule" applies to anyone that thinks it's a must have. It's irrelevant to me as I don't need three passes. YMMV, as always. Evaluate brushes on your needs/wants, not some arbitrary rule.
The rule may mean something if 3 passes are necessary and the person doesnt want to recharge the brush. Most of the old school guys I remember did one pass with a few touch ups and called it good which has worked fine for me.
I have always done two passes and some touch up which is how my Father taught me how to shave. I always have lather left over.
Well it's certainly not a rule that I would consider. I only do one pass so why whould I need a "three pass" brush. There is certainly plenty of soap left in the brush after I'm finished lathering my face, but I have no idea how many hypothetical additional passes it would supply. In any event, if I needed more lather, I could always just add more soap and water to the brush.

Conclusion - this is a pointless rule and can be ignored.
I bowl lather with creams, so there is no issue. The issue is the mild depression while washing all that left over lather down the sink. There are no rules, but as either a face latherer or someone with low quantity lather syndrome you naturally have to expect a certain amount of derision from the rest of us more-than-enough lather people. :w00t:

No issue for me now either. I don't suffer from LQLS any more. I got the vaccine the last time i was @ the shaveologist. :whistling:
:mad3:Another rule! Now I have to start learning how to shave all over again! That is the third time this week.

I dip and add and reload and relather and do 2-5 passes and play with my extra lather or go show it to my fiance who then looks at me like I'm an idiot.

please define "pass": there's people who do a pass with loooong blade runs, others with short cuts, so how should we rulify this?
Here are the "rules". Not much has changed since 1905. (Well, the chapter on safety razors has been proved wrong, but it was early days then.)
Vise, thank you, I've read the book and found things I didn't know. For example, the author says to wash the face, then dry it before applying the lather! And then he advices to use your fingers to rub the lather into the beard! This is all new to me.
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