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What's your soap for today?

Scent Description: A difficult aroma to put into words. Imagine walking through the damp woods on a brisk fall morning with the falling leaves in all their autumn glory.

There hasn't been a soap or cream that I've spent as much time smelling as this tub of Stirling-Autumn Glory, and I only received it yesterday afternoon!

I kept getting different but familiar scents and was trying to place what it was. The scent really came out once it was lathered up.

It definitely smells Autumnal! Not quite what I'm used to as a northwest New Englander. I'm wondering if the scent was designed from a more southern Autumn experience. Where the fallen leaves and earth under them have a longer opportunity to ferment and develop the scent. This reminds me of catching a whiff of wet leaves on a late Autumn day that warmed up, and the sun is out.

I'm looking forward to lathering into this stuff in the coming weeks!

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