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What's Your Latest 100 Blade Purchase, And Why?


I received 100 German Wilkinson Swords back in August which were the 11/12/23 or 23 345 by the numbered day of the year that @helicopter uses.


Today I received 100 more from the same ebay seller and voila!
Same date. :001_wub:
Thanks for posting that, I had forgot to check what date my 200 I bought earlier this year are. Turns out they are April '23... off to check the testing!

One point in regard to the the modern German Wilkies, they seem to test and shave consistently. I recently shave-tested one from my box dated 2022 and couldn't feel any difference. Still I was happy to receive the 23/345 date because the test was so close to the Schicks I received from TRC. Same blade in my opinion, both advertised as triple-coated but the wilkies can be found at a better price.
DOM 05/09/2024

the numbered day of the year

so that would mean mine are HelicopterDated 24248 (or 2024248), according to the interwebs*.


* - Just kidding: I have an ordinal date table saved as a shortcut on my phone. I use it myself for dating consumables and such, & I found it was handy during the pandemic. I would write the O-day (e.g., "112") on the mask in sharpie, so it was easy to keep up with how long I'd had it in rotation. (Switching masks every day is ideal, but when they were harder to come by, it was in the interest of conservation; i.e. a used mask is better than ... running out of masks.)
so that would mean mine are HelicopterDated 24248 (or 2024248), according to the interwebs*.


* - Just kidding: I have an ordinal date table saved as a shortcut on my phone. I use it myself for dating consumables and such, & I found it was handy during the pandemic. I would write the O-day (e.g., "112") on the mask in sharpie, so it was easy to keep up with how long I'd had it in rotation. (Switching masks every day is ideal, but when they were harder to come by, it was in the interest of conservation; i.e. a used mask is better than ... running out of masks.)

Ordinal... much easier to type. Admittedly it's the first time I've come across it. I guess an old dog can learn a new trick. :thumbsup:
Astro because a friend told me they were the greatest (peer pressure)

I‘m guessing Astra? I like the Astra in some more aggressive razors I’ve used - I can feel them pulling the hair just enough that I can tell if I’m using too much pressure. Sharper blades feel good in those while shaving, but then my skin burns afterwards. They pair well with some razors I’ve owned.

even though I’ve gotten a bunch of Nacet from Jordan, I can hear those Personnas on amazon calling my name again. Dang it.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Another 100 pack of King C. Gillette blades (China). It's one of my favorites that I easily get a week's shaves from, and there was an Amazon coupon that took it down to $12.99.
Hmm, that's temping, I had a look... I would have to add some stuff to get free shipping... oh well! Not worth $20 with shipping and tax, unfortunately.

I did just order blades from Italian Barber
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