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What's Your Latest 100 Blade Purchase, And Why?

Perma-Sharps: I’ve never tried them, but have been reading great things and from what I gathered, they are a close comparison to some of my favorites such as the Personna Comfort Coated blades.

They are fairly cheap, so if I don’t like them, it’s not a huge loss. I can always PIF them on here. But, I’m sure they’ll work just fine in my Henson
I've been shaving with one for a 3months now (since 21.03) :biggrin1: 20240626-160751.jpg

No comments yet, about to use one later today. These are the ones that I paid less than $4/200!
(I don't think they are going to be any good after some more reading, I just bought them because I like the packaging design)
They are pretty mild and you won't get a lot of shaves from each blade. If you are a one and done guy, I think they are very tolerable in a more efficient razor. Great job getting such a good deal.
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