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What's your favorite almond soap?

as you can tell, the Italian soaps are top notch. I have P160, Cella, and Valobra. Have only shaved with the P160 and love it too much, so my vote is for that one.
Cella and P.160, but haven't tried any of the English soaps.

I really do like C&E Sweet Almond (made in the U.K.), but alas....it is now extinct. I have a couple of N.O.S. pucks and an unopened tub of the cream so I will enjoy it while I have it.
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P160 then Cella. Trumper's Almond doesn't smell a thing like almond to me (and the cream v. the soap don't even smell the same to me.)
Of the soaps I have expierience with, definately Cella, P-160 is a little too strong and I dislike every other Almond soap/cream I have tried/smelled.
I have to vote for tha Valobra soft soap. Excellent almond scent, whips up to a lovely lather, and is a great performer.

For you gents that love Cella, how does the scent and performance compare with Valobra almond?

Scent wise, Valobra almond is sweeter marzipan compared to Cella's bitter almond. It is slightly less so however than P.160. As for performance, both are great, but Cella is a thicker, more cushioning lather. You need to use more water with Cella though, otherwise you mayl find the razor skipping on the denser lather.

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