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What's your coffee today? What brew method? Photos

Long black this morning, Eight O’clock Dark Italian Espresso. Half & half was added.


Not made for these times.
Good morning, coffee crew.

Mad Priest Dark Night of the Soul.
French press.

It's 39° in Music City right now with a high around 70° today. Plenty of sunshine in the forecast. Sleep was a bit better last night. I'm just relaxing at home today until my 6 - 9 session later.

Have a peace Monday, my friends.
Macchiato at One House Bakery in Benicia Calif. , side of Dutch apple pie....View attachment 2007522
Hey, now you're in my neck of the woods!

My in-laws have been visiting and it was my mother's birthday this week. I went to One House early yesterday to get pastries for breakfast and a number of desserts for our afternoon celebration. Yummy!

Since you're apparently close, stop in at my local roaster - Rrags Caffe - next time you're in the area and grab a pound of their Mokka Java or Rrags Blend beans. :)
Hey, now you're in my neck of the woods!

My in-laws have been visiting and it was my mother's birthday this week. I went to One House early yesterday to get pastries for breakfast and a number of desserts for our afternoon celebration. Yummy!

Since you're apparently close, stop in at my local roaster - Rrags Caffe - next time you're in the area and grab a pound of their Mokka Java or Rrags Blend beans. :)
I usually buy all my green beans at the main importer for the North Bay , great prices , $9 lb .... Moschetti, Inc. - https://moschetti.com/


Likes a fat handle in his hand

Chris, just want to let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Chris you’re in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you feel better soon!

Best wishes
I would like to echo this as well. Hang in there, Chris.

Thank you so much guys, really nice of you to say! I've entered a new chapter in my life, where things are an uphill battle for me. I'm pretty sure I got nailed by a stroke that took out my left side. But my mobility is better then 2 weeks ago, I'm slowly making progress, but I still hava long way to go yet, and I've been walking with a 4 post cane. I'm hoping I improve enough to mow the lawn in April, but thats a big if. I have to be able to walk without a cane first to do that!

On a positive note, I managed to go outside today, (far sooner then expected) I managed steps with my cane without breaking my neck. I did this cause a guy responded to my add listing for a machine I was selling. The sale went well, and I made a couple hundred dollars today! I didn't feel good about going back up the steps though, so I got assistance from family member. Fresh air was nice fellas!

I watch a lot of entertainment to keep me from getting depressed. Although the country depresses me, but I'm hanging in there. Small steps guys, one thing at a time, no giant leaps for man kind, only small steps. I appreciate you all, and I thank you for your prayers.
It’s morning, early yes, but morning just the same. Howdy folks! I’m gliding at cruising altitude and free to roam around life’s cabin. So far I’ve drank a couple glasses of Stok cold brew enjoyed black. Nothing will hold my soul to the tracks of deceit for the doves of tranquility shall carry my spirit forth and free. Have a great day, fellers. Peace 🕊️🌈🙏🐶🤩


Not made for these times.
Good morning, coffee crew.

Mad Priest Dark Night of the Soul.
French press.

It's 40° in Music City right now with a high around 79° today. Not bad at all for early March. I'm feeling pretty good this morning. I got about 6.5 hours of solid rest. I don't recall waking up once. A relaxing day ahead. Lunch at my local Sam's Place to hang out with some friends and stopping by Publix on my way home to pick up a few things. Back in my studio tomorrow at 6 pm.

Have a peaceful Tuesday, my friends.
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