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Mozingo ZT4



Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
BOTD + Sunday Schick shave, February 5th 2023

Brush : Yaqi "obsidian marble" 24mm silvertip badger, excellent lather generator, heavenly pillow like soft tips, gentle splay scrubber + excellent lather painter.
Brush Collage Feburary 5 2023.jpg

Have some great shaves!


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Staff member
365 Shaves in 2023: 36 of 36 = 100%
Razor: @Above The Tie Mixed Metal CM1 (Stainless Cap, Copper Base, Titanium Handle)
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (3)
Brush: @Rudy Vey B&B 2022 Contributors Brush (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: Cyril R Salter Indian Sandalwood Tub Cream
Aftershave: Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum
Fragrance: Belcam Volatile EdT Spray

The link below takes you to my journal, which has full notes for this shave and more: never-stop-learning's Quest for Knowledge - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/never-stop-learnings-quest-for-knowledge.611194/post-12118324
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