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What the %#@#!!!!!

I've found that I still have a bad shave day every once in awhile...and its usually the result of not paying attention to what I'm doing!
I have had mornings like that!

They mostly come when i say in my head "Oh, yeah. here comes another BBS" then i skip some steps and get sloppy and end up whimpering like a wounded dog...I mean disapointed.

Dont forget all you have learned! and somtimes it helps to change the blade when it is dull LOL:lol:
I dialled back my Gillette Slim Adjustable from seven to five and found I did not bleed anywhere as much today, that's with a Derby blade with one shave and CE Sienna shave soap.
Usually happens to me if i rush it or dont concentrate, not often now thankfully but my worst was with an adjustable Gillette of my fathers a few years back which i was given. First DE shave, set it to 6 , seemed like about half way and lets see what happens !! ... Trip to the chemists to try and stem the bleeding and a day full of No Means No comments from female colleagues, thankfully years later stumbled on this site and did it properly.
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