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what shaving creams do you use for everyday?

I use two different creams:
Proraso Green, which I absolutely love. It gives a clean, fresh scent and a nice cooling sensation after the final cold water rinse and works very well (no nicks with this one)
AOS Lavender, which I also love. This one smells great and gives such a thick and luxurious lather that has a lot of cushion with very little product.
I also have a small tube of AOS Sandalwood, but I have yet to use it. I enjoy these 2 so much that I haven't wanted to use anything else yet. I also think that I may switch to Sandalwood during the winter time, as this would seem to be the best part of the year for it.
I presently have around 10 Shaving Creams/Soaps, with another 8 or so varieties on the way. I try to limit my rotation to 4-5 of them, so that I get a good feel for each, as I am still a newbie. :biggrin:

ditto on the rotation...makes it more fun to 'rediscover' the other group when the present rotation loses its luster.
Mine rotation of creams at the moment are

TOBS Avocado
T&H west Indian Limes
Trumpers Sandalwood

Hoping to add a few more to that shortly :w00t:
TOBS Avocado
Bodyshop Macca Root

I've also got 1805 which is great and Sienna which I love too, but I tend to save those for special shaves. Good excuse to get more creams though, I'd like to change it up more now I'm getting OK at making cream :)
I've wanted to try 1805 badly but just cant bring myself to pay for it. Is it really completely super awsome?!?

Take it for what it's worth, but yes, it's really completely super awesome. It's also a lot better than Proraso in terms of the slickness and quality of the lather, in my opinion.

Ya gotta try it!:cool:
I have been rotating between KMF, C.O., and a little TOM here and there.

I finally broke down though and bought some TOBS Rose and Avocado...I do believe the others will be pushed aside for awhile.
Proraso green is generally my everyday cream. However, recently I've had some variety in my rotation.

I spent a month in South America (winter there) and I brought my Florena to save space and weight. I tend to use Florena in winter anyway.

My in-laws brought me some TOBS Jermyn from London :biggrin: and that one has become my everyday (really wonderful stuff), up until today when I tried Proraso white (not too crazy about the scent).

I also use C&E Sienna soap on some weekends...


Wanting for wisdom
I have managed to use up a lot of stuff . . . from Mama Bear Diogenes Club, Rose, Irish Tweed Type. . . and I have I think 6 or so others . . . they lather well . . . I have the frankincense and myrrh and Christmas stuff . . . something I can't beat
Santa Maria Novella!

It's quite dense for a cream, but it says "Crema". This is the only cream I have and I just love it!

Happy shaving!
Trumper's Cocoanut
TOBS Avocado
Trumper's Limes

And that is it. I have a bunch of Fitjar creams plus some Arko and another German cream, but have not gotten around to using them yet.

You should check out your Arko creme's Dex, they are really good. It's amazing how cheap they are but how good they actually work. I use the Commando and the Moist. The Arko soap is also really good.
When I first started on this forum I thought it was very odd the number of soaps and creams folks had. Still seems odd, I guess, but let's just say I have a lot of soaps and creams. And I rotate through many of them on a kind of random basis. I do find using cream and soap together generally does create a super lather.
Lately I've been using the Arko shave stick rubbed on stubble followed by face lathering Nivea cream. Man it's great:w00t:
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