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What razor/blade did you use today

Gillette Red Tip / Ladas blade

Razor: REX Envoy (106)
Blade: Personna Comfort Coated (5)
Pre-shave: Hot Shower; Shave Secret Shave oil
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft Monster Synthetic Shaving Brush-26mm
Lather: Proraso Shaving Soap in a Bowl Sensitive Skin and Cremo Coconut Mango Cream
Aftershave: cold water rinse;

No nicks; No irritation; Very Close; Very Smooth; Pleasant DFS+ shave. Blade is ready for recycling.


Alum Ladd

Could be most likely nutjob stuff
Razor: Gillette England Flare Tip Rocket c.1958-62
Blade: BIC Chome Platinum (GRC #5)

Great shave tonight with the last of the all-brass English TTO razors, the Rocket and Super Speed Flare Tip. After about 1962-3 they were completely replaced with the plastic handled Slim Twist.

Excellent efficient shavers, capable of easily knocking down a 4 day growth. With that and a buzz cut I felt human again.

A Smooth, Smooth Face finish.
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