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What razor/blade did you use today

Razorock dual comb (95 SB/72 OC) and a new Perma Sharp on 4 days worth. Exceptionally efficient combo.

Sunday 1/05
BADGERary Day 5
All BADGER Brushes - All Month

I've come to the conclusion I don't like the IBC Clone
The Personna Injector Blade worked just fine
I just don't like the geometry of the shavette
Finish Pass with the STAR Lather Catcher
Lather Catcher Sunday

Razor: Chinese IBC Clone Shavette
Blade: Personna Injector (1X)
Lather: Talbot Shaving GRACE Soap Mix
Brush: Made-Rite No. 82 Vintage PURE BADGER
Post Shave: Osage/Mennen/Glacial Splash Mix

Post Shave: Abbate Y La Mantia ISHTAR

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