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What other shaving soap LATHERS like Arko but doesn't smell like it?

Speick cream or soap? (YMMV and all, but I can't agree if you mean the cream, which I like and have used for years, but don't find lathers like Arko.)
I've used Cella, Proraso, MWF and several others. None performed like Arko. The only thing that was anywhere close was Tabac. Very similar lathering ability and smells awesome.
Tabac produces a much better lather than Arko. Unfortunately, my wife doesn't like the smell of either of these soaps. I keep the Tabac stick for traveling.
Give Mike's Natural Soaps a try. Similar to MWF as it has lanolin but the lather is just as slick (IMO) than arko. It also leaves my face feeling better post shave due to the extras that Mike puts in them. He's also got them in stick form if a stick is really what you are after.
Palmolive stick gives nice lather and smells far better, La Toja stick gets lather easier than arko too
OK, as a follow up, is there any need to keep it in a tub wit a lid? I have a set of small ceramic bowls i found that i keep my soaps in. no lid or anything, i just mash or melt them in depending on the soap.
Easy to answer this one...... Arko which has been left open for a few weeks
(Sometimes simple is best)

Sometimes the answer is right under our nose! No pun intended...

yes it is a superior lather and gives a superior shave. And it doesn't require any in depth lathering ritual. The scent never bothered me, and I even enjoy it. I wonder how many would be put off by its scent if this forum hadn't already convinced them that it smells offensive before ever trying for themselves?
It will be a very disappointing day when I see the "Arko reformulated" thread! Unless of course they reformulation is limited to the scent. How about Old Spice Arko? Maybe Bay Rum Arko? Maybe our Turkish friends will consider the possibilities.
As an idea some users mix Arko (or any other soaps) with some different essential oils (sesame oil, almond oil, apricot oil...etc.) or other soaps or shaving creams or even hand/face creams.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Speick cream or soap? (YMMV and all, but I can't agree if you mean the cream, which I like and have used for years, but don't find lathers like Arko.)
Sorry, I meant soap. I haven't found a cream I like at all, so I am a soap guy.
There you go:

Take one Arko stick and leave open for a month or so.

Grate the stick to a small tapperware dish, add some lavender oil or any other scent you like. Mush it all and compact with something heavy.

I have Arko tea tree and Arko Menthol in my small collection.

Unscented Arko soap is an excellent base.
Haslinger, Tabac, DR Harris, Strop Shoppe double butter, PannaCrema, Cella, MdC, Razorock w/argan oil, Los Angeles Shaving Soap....
Petal Pushers Fancies is the only other soap that lathers as quickly & easily for me. But some folks have reported face burning w/ PPF, which is too bad. It's a pretty remarkable product. I also find Synergy & Proraso white (tub) to be super easy, but not quite in the Arko/PPF category.
My 2 cents would be La Toja. I use one in my travel kit (was arko previously), and no matter where I am (so varying water hardness), always get a good lather from it. I think Tabac is also vry similar, but I stopped used it because I just don't like the smell.
I'm sure it's been asked before, but I couldn't find anyone addressing this obvious question.

I used Arko stick for my first time today, and I was amazed. I've used about a dozen different soaps and creams, and nothing has lathered like Arko and been so slippery (in a good way). It not only lathers easily, it makes a superior lather. It really made for a better shave.

I don't hate the scent, but I'd rather find soaps that work as well but have a fragrance I prefer.

Arko may be my first tallow-based soap. I'm not positive. Do I just need some other tallow-based soap, or something specific?


curious, was arko also your first stick?
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