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What level of AD do I have?

You have the start of a very nice little collection. The St. John's Bay Rum is something I would very much like to try, and it is on my short list (thanks to Eelco's constant declarations of its virtues).

Don't get yourself caught up in the "how much do I really need" frame of mind. Just do what makes you happy. As long as your not dipping into next month's mortgage payment for shaving stuff, you'll be just fine.

Enjoy it -- you are entitled!!
Well I can immediately see you're obviously missing minimum of a dozen each of GEMs and injectors. At least 2 Rolls razors. Various 80+ year old gillettes and a 21 day set of straights. After that, concentrate on acquiring original Shulton formulation Old spice sets. And don't forget the Barber Chair and Barber Pole(s)
3 shelves!?
I recently was 'allowed' to fit a shelf for my stuff, and even that keeps getting taken over with bath stuff by SWMBO.

Just kidding, it's a nice set up you have there.
I have my own cabinet filled with what ever I want, half the rest of the storage space as well as the shelf that's under constant attack. It's just annoying that the mrs has so much stuff all over the place I can never have a clean and neat shelf and sink.
FWIW my shelf just has a NEW, a ball end Tech, an ever-ready 1912, a slim adjustable, a rolls razor, Tabac soap and a medium EJ BBB.
The cabinet I mentioned earlier is where my other soaps and razors I don't use much anymore reside, plus ASB, AS, colognes, blades etc.
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Professional Help ???? is that not why you came here? I agree on more shelves, at least 4 straights, a dozen Gems and a couple of Schick injectors, Add to that a couple of Gillette Old's, and New's also at least 500 DE and 100 SE blades. That should about take care of it.
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