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What kind of razors are issued in the army?

I do not live in North America, but heard that advanced armies procure millions of items, so razors must be in the list.

I also stumbled upon some vintage army razors on eBay, those looked pretty cool.
I was in the Army in 1974 no razor issued to me. I used a Trac II which was introduced circa 1972. I learned to shave using my dad's Schick injector. However, during WW II, in the European theater this Simplex razor was issued. It's now one of my best razors. Since I collect and use about 40+ vintage razors that's amazing. Very smooth and efficient. Also, a WW I (1918) issue Army Khaki set with a trench mirror. A good shave more important in WW I due to need for a good gas mask seal. You can see the mirror strap at the top left of the picture. Note the two thumb tacks at the bottom of the case. The right-side tack is the original and has an insignia on it. They were used to secure/hang the mirror while in the field. A more aggressive shave but still a very good for the time frame. Cheers...

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Well, if you were in Basic during circa 1991 and you ran out of what you were directed to bring with you to Basic, the Drill Sergeants would provide you a plastic, disposable single blade razor of the sort you can buy by the bag.

I'd guess that Vietnam was probably the last time razors had an NSN (National Stock Number) and were part of the logistics system.

They are just fine with you spending your own money at the PX for shaving, thank you very much.
Looks like I wasn't even right about Vietnam being a period when they were issued. Which makes sense if you think about it.

The thought being we do not talk about "war issue" razors that we find in antique stores from the post-WW2 era. The only logical answer is that there weren't any USGI razors issued.
Looking through stock numbers for NATO razors and blades maintained by the US, the most recent blade is a pre comfort coated Personna, and the only razors since 2010 are a single blade fixed head plastic disposable and a twin blade plastic disposable. Based on the package descriptions and quantities, I am pretty sure they are the accutec ones.

As stated above, they are not issued to regular soldiers. They probably exist for hospitals, and other unusual situations where you don't have access to your own stuff or a commissary.
As stated above, they are not issued to regular soldiers. They probably exist for hospitals, and other unusual situations where you don't have access to your own stuff or a commissary.

That rings a bell, while visiting a family member at the hospital last year, I spotted a box of individually wrapped blue plastic open comb DE razors on the supply cart. They probably would have given me one if I had asked, but it wasn’t proper to do at the time.
During USMC Boot Camp in 1965, we were issued Gillette Razors, TTO’s, Blue Blades.

Personal care it’s were charged for, so there were no CHOICE, and we paid for items.

Sundays I go shopping at USAFBase by my home, BX & Commissary have good selection of Wet Shave Supplies, awesome prices.

USN '77-'83. I don't recall that we were issued razors in Boot Camp. We were probably marched off to the Exchange and purchased some sort of disposable and a can of arisolized goo. I do remember though we were told you will shave all four directions.
USN '77-'83. I don't recall that we were issued razors in Boot Camp. We were probably marched off to the Exchange and purchased some sort of disposable and a can of arisolized goo. I do remember though we were told you will shave all four directions.
yea probably to the exchange after that thirty second .50 cent haircut...
Bump ..

Marine Corp boot camp in 1989, the only thing you were allowed to bring was what you were wearing (which was promptly put into a paper bag and put into a warehouse and given back, if you wanted it, after graduation. Most said 'never mind, burn it' ).

We were not issued anything other than uniforms, boots, skivees and a rifle ..

Everthing else was purchased from the special 'PX' (ie. a broom closet with a few things in it).

Razors for us at the time were Bic disposables and some goo in a can (I think it was Barbasol).

Edit to add that you needed to wear your own Go Fasters. Those were the ONLY thing you were allowed to keep aside from religious artifacts. Everything else went into the paper bag.
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