I don't think of scritch of scratchy + itchy at all.
Then why is it called "scritch"?
For me scritch is "A pleasant scratch". Like, I scritch my cat behind its ears and when it decides it's had enough it will scratch me. Get it?
When I have an itch, I scratch it. Or if I can't reach my itch, I have my wife scratch it. When I scratch an itch, the combined sensation is something like scritch until the itch goes away, then what's left is scratch (i.e., scratch = scritch - itch), until I (or my wife) quits scratching. Then it's neither scratch nor itch, unless/until the itch returns.
Scritch is what your loved ones feel when you get up in the morning and rub your cheek against theirs before you go and shave.
Maybe. That depends of what the loved one feels. I'd have to ask whether my wife felt scratch + itch, or just scratch.
Scritch is a brush that lets you know it's made up of individual hairs, not a swab of material, but isn't overly aggressive about it.
I have brushes that let me know they're made up of individual hairs without being overly aggressive, but which do not elicit any sensation that includes what I subjectively experience as itch. I wouldn't describe those brushes as scritchy to me. I would simply say I can feel the individual hairs.
FWIW, since "scritch" is obviously a conflation of the words "scratch" and "itch", it seems to me it has been and would continue to be the best choice for a word referring to the combined sensations of scratch and itch. But then scritch by any other name would still feel as ... scritchy.
In any case, if "scritch" is going to be accepted for use in describing something other than the distinct sensation, characteristically elicited by Old Rooney Finest knots, combining scratch and itch, then we need to come up with another word to describe that sensation, because having such a word is important to many of us in describing our experience of brushes.
So let's have some other suggestions before we finally consign "scritch" to utterly indefinite usage. Then we'll have some real confusion!

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