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What do you do while smoking a cigar?

As usual tonight, I am usually enjoying a Yankees game along with a nice double of Oban in my 3-season room and an Alvarez Tomatan.

On the cooler nights in the Fall, it great to take a long walk in te late afternoon, followed by a stuffed pork roast and then a few hours with a cigar and an Oban or Balvenie.

This coming Monday, though, I'll be enjoying a couple of cigars. One at my tailgate prior to the Cincinatti-Rutgers game and a second at home after dinner at Steakhouse 85.

If you are wondering about the Alvarez Tomatan, it is made by a nice little old man at a place in Perth Amboy, NJ. For anyone interested, the place is a small hole-in-the-wall shop at 255 Madison Avenue, Perth Amboy. The website (all of one page) is located at http://www.alvarezcigars.com/. For my tastes, this is an inexpensive cigar with great flavor.
Tonight, I sat on my balcony with a gin and tonic and a Padron londres maduro enjoying the beautiful evening and called an old friend to catch up.

No complaints from me.
On nice summer nights, relax in the back patio with my cigar and some ouzo over ice. During the winter, there is a nice cigar lounge in Carson City where I meet up with some friends for a weekly smoke and BS.
I'll either smoke with friends in the back patio at night, drinking Bourbon, Cognac or Scotch. Or I'll smoke while having a strong cup of coffee and listening to music.
Sit on the deck and drink.
Walk down to the beach and drink.
Sit on a bench overlooking the beach and drink.
BBQ and....drink :blushing:

I have yet to go to a proper cigar bar :frown:
I like to go to the state park and stand on the overlook that gives me a great view of the Lake and enjoy the Sunset with some of my friends.
I like to enjoy a fine smoke in my 'cigarage'. I've claimed a small nook between cars with an old leather chair, a portable notebook computer stand, and a cool ash tray stand. I keep assorted cutters and lighters and reading materials on the ottomon.

I usually pair up smokes with a cold beverage and end up surfing the net -- mainly hounding the wetshaving forums and eBay.

Happy Smokes!
Like most here it's with beverages and friends, talking about all the important things in life and about nothing at all.

Good times indeed.
Hi all. I'm new to the forums, but I've been smoking for quite a while. I tend to smoke through out the day, but my favorite time is after the kids are in bed and the wife and I relax on the front porch and let the day fall away. I'm currently enjoying a Don Thomas Sun Grown that we just got in at the tobacco store where I work part time . Life could be so much worse :)
Mostly my son and I just hang out. He is great company.

Just kidding, of course.
I usually sit waaaay back in a big chair, cross my right leg over my left and squint constantly as I alternately puff away and then stare at the cigar as I hold it out in front of me. I am hoping I look suave and contemplative but I'm guessing I just look like a big, smoking idiot in a chair. :biggrin: I don't usually drink while smoking a cigar as the taste (of the drink) seems to usually be adversely affected (well wine and beer anyway - there may be drinks that actually taste better with a lit cigar).
after quite a bit of trial and error, i don't think i enjoy scotch with most cigars.

wine, coke, and dark beers seem to really hit the spot though.
after quite a bit of trial and error, i don't think i enjoy scotch with most cigars.

wine, coke, and dark beers seem to really hit the spot though.

With a cigar, I like scotch, especially the more forward ones; bourbon; older rums; anejo tequila, Cognac; but most especially Armagnac, which seems bit rougher and stronger in flavor than Cognac.

Essentially any spirit with some wood and some bite to it. Although I feel like a high alcohol beverage is really just making sure the toxics dissolve and fully coat every thing smoke or liquid touches!
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