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What did you use today? +Rate the shave 1-10 (10 best)


Ditto, ditto
4 Mar 2025 - shave 61/300+ in 2025

Prep: hot shower

Soap: MdC Magellan
Brush: SOC Boar
Lather Bowl: CC - The Commander

Razor: Blackbird Titanium Lite
Blade: Lab Blue (1)


Post Shave: cold water rinse

Aftershave: PAA Cold Spices

Bit of trouble getting a good lather today. I think my brush was too dry during loading and I didn't pick up enough soap. Still, there was a good enough lather that I was able to get an excellent comfortable shave.

9.8/10 - DFS



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Love that handle David @never-stop-learning - awesome craftsmanship @GAW9576! Wow!
Thank you, Guido. :)

@GAW9576 crafted two of these handles a couple or so years ago. The Emerald Green to match the Rudy Vey AS3M STF and a Butterscotch handle to match my Rudy Vey Butterscotch Beehive 2-Band Silvertip Fan.

They both fit my hands comfortably. :)

Razor: Ming Shi 5000S (S.7)
Blade: Ger. Personna Platinum
Brush: Yaqi Synthetic
Soap: Stirling Vanilla Sandalwood
After: Stirling Vanilla Sandalwood
Rating: 8.5/10
Notes: Good 3 pass shave, Hi DFS level. I had some irritation on my neck flare up from yesterdays shave with the 2000s and reopened one weeper on my lip. I will give it a 3-4 days to heal up before I shave again, I have a new Merkur Progress 570 on it way here in the mail. I Hope everyone has a great rest of the week and great shaves!
Growth: 24 hr
Prep: Shower, CeraVe HFC, Proraso Red Pre

Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: STF 19mm
Bowl: Salsa

Razor: GC .68p/Barber Pole
Blade: Bic Chrome Platinum (2)

Post: SN alum, Dickenson's WH
After: Skin Bracer, CeraVe PM

Result: DFS
Rating: 8/10

The Red Pre stayed on while I bowl lathered the Red cream. Delicious overkill. The GC 68 plate and no pressure delivered a DFS with no alum feedback in two passes and minor cleanup, though I didn't seem to get everything under the nose. I could swear I was feeling the blade scraping at one point, but I guess I was handling it properly, as there is no irritation. Skin Bracer from the glass bottle provided a wonderful finish.

Tonight's shave, in which the Major remembered why he's not a fan of Shark blades.

Warm shower
Proraso Protective pre-shave
Proraso Sensitive Skin shaving cream
Razorock Bruce synthetic brush
Timeless plastic shaving bowl

Henson AL13
Shark Super Stainless (2nd use)
1x WTG above the jaw, 1x ATG below the jaw, clean up XTG along + under jaw
Zingari Man Unscented Recovery Splash

7/10. No nicks, etc., but WOW did the Major wind up w/razor burn. In his experience, Shark blades are quite good for the first shave, but anything beyond that is an adventure. The Major guesses that these blades are of the one-and-done variety.

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