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What did you use today? +Rate the shave 1-10 (10 best)

What a great soap!!
A SOD.jpg

Face wash with Cera Ve Face Soap
Razor Rock Classic
Rudy Vey with Shavemac D01 two-band knot
Captains Choice Copper
Henson AL 13++
PolSilver Super Iridium
Thayers WH & Duke Cannon ASB
Beverly Hills Polo Club.
The Razor Rock soap, after 69 shaves, is rapidly disappearing. With continual use, the soap has become very soft, and any brush has an easy time loading it and making a nice lather. I have been impressed with this Italian soap. The next brush in my rotation is one made by Rudy Ver. It has a Shavemac D0 1 two-band knot. Some folks find this knot too “scritchy,” but I like it This was the fourth shave with my Henson AL13++ and PolSilver Super Iridium blae. The razor continues to do a good job. This was a perfect shave. Have a wonderful day, folks.


Born to häckla
Morning Shave - 10/17/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: RazoRock Mentor
Blade: BIC Astor (4)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Clubman VIBR
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 10/10 (BBS)
Shave Rating: 10/10
Wohoo BBS! Oh yes now we are talkin'! Fantastic smooth shave this morning. Blade is still going strong and the razor is easy to use as well. No complaints just smooth goodness.
  • Gillette Tech ball-end
  • Wilkinson Sword (6)
  • Palmolive foam
  • Arko lotion
Lately, I have no time in the morning so foam is my choice. With plenty of water, I can get very good slickness for a quick 2 passes shave. The razor is outstanding. I wish I could get the very same in stainless steel (under 100 bucks)

Also, I see that Arko lotion isn't popular here but that's an outstanding one, I highly recommend it to everyone. I like the scent (similar to Arko Sensitive cream which is not a scent of Arko stick, alas), and... I'd say the lightness of it. I mean that although there's >60% of alcohol, I don't feel it OR I don't feel it so harshly. It doesn't dry my skin as well, which is a plus as well. In a word, try it
Pre Shave: Warm Shower, Stirling Baker Street Liquid Bath Soap, Stirling Unscented Pre Shave Soap
Razor: Occam's SE-noch with a Timeless Ti Spiral Handle
Blade: Kai Titan ProTouch MG (3)
Soap/Cream: Barrister & Mann Cool
Bowl: The CaYuen Workshop Medium Damascus Textured Wet Shaving Lathering Bowl
Brush: AP Shave Co Amber Handle 26mm G5A Knot Brush
Post Shave: Cold Water Rinse, Thayers Unscented Witch Hazel, Nivea Unscented Post Shave Balm & Barrister & Mann Cool AS
Rating: 10/10 A comfortable & efficient 3 pass BBS shave with no touch ups, weepers, cuts or irritation. An excellent shave!
Today’s shave 10/16/24:

(Didn’t have time to post last night)

Pre-Shave: Hot Shower
Soap: Cella Aloe Vera Shaving Cream
Brush: Omega 48 Boar
Razor: Gillette Tech Made in Canada
Blade: Astra Superior Platinum (1)
After-Shave: Nivea Sensitive Post Shave Balm

Song of the Shave: No song of the shave

Rating: 9 CCS+++

See my full review here

Thursday 10/17 Shave
OCtober/OBtober Day 17
Open Blade/Open Comb

Knight A77 Open Blade
Finished with the Gillette Senator
Quick & Smooth Shave (9.75/10)
It will be A77 Blades all this week

Razor: Knight A77 Shavette - Blue Scales
Blade: Rhinoceros A77 Blade (4X)
Lather: PAA Good Vibrations Sample
Brush: Vielong 14092 Horse/Badger Mix
Post Shave: Osage Rub Splash

Post Shave: PAA Good Vibration Aftershave



Not made for these times.
Pre-shave • Neutrogena Fragrance-free Bar Soap

Soap • Pre de Provence No. 63

Bowl • CaYuen Graffiti (Large)

Brush • Omega Evo Sapphire Blue

Razor • Merkur Progress

Blade • Bic Astor (1)

*Warm Shower*

Aftershave • Thayers Lavender + Bootlegger's El Dorado

Eye Gel • Neutrogena Hydro Boost

The Progress/Astor combo delivered a superb shave this morning. About 4 days of growth knocked down with no weepers or irritation.

A solid 10/10.

Have a blessed Thursday, my friends.

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Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
DE SOTD, Thursday, Oct 17th 2024

Razor : Yaqi Sentinel 1.5mm 316 SSP with a Yaqi tear drop 316SSP handle. Mfg 2022, mild to tame mid range.
Blade : Gillette Polsilver SI(3) sharp and smooth with great longevity.
Soap : Tabac puck, a flowery milder scent with excellent lather qualities.
Brush : Yaqi"Ever Helpful" 22mm 2band badger knot. Designed for a great scrubber IMO with a dense short loft with soft tips.
Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
Post shave : Nivea refreshing splash + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
Results : Dial 9.5.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=:a17: Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Yaqi Sentinel razor with a Polsilver SI blade. Great shave this morning.
SOTD October 17 2024.jpg

Have some great shaves!
Pre-Shave: scalding shower with B&M Paganini's Violin soap
Bowl/Scuttle: PAA Spacescape Lather Scuttle 4.0
Soap: B&M Seville
Brush: Parker Premium Handmade, 3-Band Pure Badger with Rosewood Handle
Razor: Rockwell 6C
Blade: Wizamet Iridium Super (6)
Post-Shave: Thayer's Witch Hazel - Unscented
Post-Shave: B&M Full Measure of Man aftershave


Rating: 9.5

Razor, maiden voyage with new to me Schick Eversharp with Chinese Schick injector blade. Very close and sharp. This is an outstanding combination for enthusiasts who want something vintage and very efficient.

Duke 2 Best, one of my favorite brushes and the excellent TRC bowl. I was in the store yesterday and looked them all over in person and picked two including this to go with the two I already have.

New Arianna and Evans Daniele Maullu Legacy soap. This is an incredible base. The woody aromatic fougere fragrance is great, but a little too strong for my tastes. The soap is fast, cushioning, and very slick. If they make a delicately scented versatile fragrance soap in this base, I will probably lose interest in trying soaps, creams, and pre creams. Also, an unscented version, I would buy without hesitation. Fine citrus splash. The Barber Blue would be a better match for the soap. Of course the matching splash would be a perfect match, but I am not big on the matching sets.

9/10. Excellent BBS shave on 2 days growth. I am looking forward to trying the soap again with different hardware, but the Schick is awesome, too.


The Lather Maestro

Thursday, October 17​

  • Pre shave - shower
  • Captain's Choice stoneware lather bowl
  • Yaqi Ghost 90SB DS Cosmetics Spiral Ti handle (China)
  • Personna Chrome Platinum #3 (USA)
  • Ever Ready 150 reknotted with TGN silver tip (USA)
  • Proraso red cream (Italy)
  • Thayer's WH (USA)
  • Flood the Original (Spain)

10/10 BBS. This is Proraso Red cream was a great opener for my fall shaves. Really good stuff.
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