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What are your quirky shaving habits?

I don't have any quirks...but boy the rest you sure do. I use the same razor, brush and soap every day at the Y. I shave after shower, and nude, as do most of the guys I know there. I do the same at home, a Slim adjustable, just like at the Y, same kind of brush and soap. Shave after shower and again nude. The only real variable right now is blade, but once I get my supply of Gillette yellows all will be the same. Maybe I am the quirky one and the rest of you are normal.
I have to shave clockwise (in the mirror image). Left cheek with side A of the blade, flip the razor to do the right cheek with blade side B, flip to do right neck with side A, flip to do the left neck with side B. If I tried to do anything different, I'd probably get dizzy and cut myself badly.
After rinsing and shaking out my brush I always beat it across my palm for a few seconds like a tipper on a bodhran. I am also a brush fluffer, and have to make sure that the bristles are arranged pefectly symetrically before I put it aside to dry.
I have to shave clockwise (in the mirror image). Left cheek with side A of the blade, flip the razor to do the right cheek with blade side B, flip to do right neck with side A, flip to do the left neck with side B. If I tried to do anything different, I'd probably get dizzy and cut myself badly.

I have more than my share of quirks in daily life....but you're just eat slam up with it.:biggrin1:
If I make too much lather, I do more passes until the lather's gone - even if I've already got BBS.

I get a nervous twitch if I wash away the excess lather. It seems wasteful.
I don't have any quirks...but boy the rest you sure do. I use the same razor, brush and soap every day at the Y. I shave after shower, and nude, as do most of the guys I know there. I do the same at home, a Slim adjustable, just like at the Y, same kind of brush and soap. Shave after shower and again nude. The only real variable right now is blade, but once I get my supply of Gillette yellows all will be the same. Maybe I am the quirky one and the rest of you are normal.

Shaving nude no matter where you are sounds like a quirk.
I've heard rumors of some forum members creating Voodo Dolls of happy Williams shavers out of milled modern Williams, and before every shave, they don black robes, put on Toccata and Fugue in D minor really loud, then thrust knitting needles into the ghastly soapy image while railing against the lathering properties of Williams Mug Soap.

Then, having worked themselves into a frenzy of Williams hatred, they take an Omega 49 Pro dipped in water collected from the footprint of a Buddhist monk, and savagely try to create lather from the recently punctured Williams talisman.

When they inevitably succeed only on producing a paltry amount of airy, unusable foam, they shriek with rage, cast the now dripping Williams idol into a ritual garbage can, created specifically for this purpose from melted down cans of Barbasol. Only then, after much weeping and gnashing of teeth, do they proceed to lather up something less challenging, the lubricity of the chosen product being greatly increased by the bitter tears shed into it.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I hold my straights with my left hand..cant seem to always put it down on the small wooden bowl that rests it so well..lather with my right hand...just imagine..holding your straight with your left hand..and lathering your face with the right one....:biggrin1:


The wife's investment
Silence please. I like to hear the whiskers being shaved off. Even the whisper quiet exhaust fan that I recently installed annoys me when I am shaving.

Oh,... and I belong to several internet shaving forums. Nothing quirky about that... right?
I've heard rumors of some forum members creating Voodo Dolls of happy Williams shavers out of milled modern Williams, and before every shave, they don black robes, put on Toccata and Fugue in D minor really loud, then thrust knitting needles into the ghastly soapy image while railing against the lathering properties of Williams Mug Soap.

Then, having worked themselves into a frenzy of Williams hatred, they take an Omega 49 Pro dipped in water collected from the footprint of a Buddhist monk, and savagely try to create lather from the recently punctured Williams talisman.

When they inevitably succeed only on producing a paltry amount of airy, unusable foam, they shriek with rage, cast the now dripping Williams idol into a ritual garbage can, created specifically for this purpose from melted down cans of Barbasol. Only then, after much weeping and gnashing of teeth, do they proceed to lather up something less challenging, the lubricity of the chosen product being greatly increased by the bitter tears shed into it.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

So, are you saying they work themselves into a lather over lather? :biggrin1:
Lately I've been on a cold shave kick. Living in the south during the summer means that even the water coming out of the cold tap is still above 80 degrees. I take a glass of ice upstairs to throw in the sink and melt while I take my shower. If it's a night shave I might take a second glass of ice that's been mixed with an adult beverage : )


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
I've heard rumors of some forum members creating Voodo Dolls of happy Williams shavers out of milled modern Williams, and before every shave, they don black robes, put on Toccata and Fugue in D minor really loud, then thrust knitting needles into the ghastly soapy image while railing against the lathering properties of Williams Mug Soap.

Then, having worked themselves into a frenzy of Williams hatred, they take an Omega 49 Pro dipped in water collected from the footprint of a Buddhist monk, and savagely try to create lather from the recently punctured Williams talisman.

When they inevitably succeed only on producing a paltry amount of airy, unusable foam, they shriek with rage, cast the now dripping Williams idol into a ritual garbage can, created specifically for this purpose from melted down cans of Barbasol. Only then, after much weeping and gnashing of teeth, do they proceed to lather up something less challenging, the lubricity of the chosen product being greatly increased by the bitter tears shed into it.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Why am I thinking about John? :biggrin1:
Lol, this got me thinking.

After I do a "shave stroke", like immediatly after I take the razor away from my face, I rub the spot with the tip of my finger to see how it went,lol.

Since I started DE shaving though, I am truly glad no-one can see how much effort I put into it.

Last week I was doing my weekly shuffle through the charity shops of Dublin and I seen this lovely hand made pottery jug and bowel, and I immediatly thought "I could use that for shaving" so I bought it. Now I use it as a bowel for lather and I soak the brush and razor in the jug before shaving.

Plus, I love when I feel my face and realise I need a shave, i get this "wahoo" feeling inside. Probably best I don't ever talk about this stuff anywhere else except here, people just wouldn't understand ;)
@Soda. If I were to dress I would be the quirky guy there.....They all shave nude. But then it is all old military guys with no real sense of shame or modesty. There is a guy who puts on a t-shirt, and baseball cap.....nothing else and shaves....and you thought I was quirky. We are all of the belief...ain't nothing you haven't already seen....and comfort trumps all.
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