Shave number 5 today. Same setup as #4, except no Proraso Red.
Merkur 25c Head
Muhle Grande Handle
Aveno Face Scrub for Men (no more girly Loreal)
Cremo Creme Shave Creme (no time for the brush this morning)
Proraso Pre/Post (used because I was going brushless cream)
Applied the Cremo right over the Proraso which sat about 2 minutes after my face scrub. Slightly warm water in shower....just enough to take the chill off.
I got another very very comfortable shave this morning. Almost no weepers. One small one on the side of my chin and one down low on my neck. Both stopped almost right away. Did my normal 3 passes + cleanup. The blade still felt very sharp and smooth. I got no tugging or dragging; no signs of the blade getting dull or degrading. I did not take it easy on the blade, trying to stretch it. I went at it like I would with a blade on day 1 or 2, and it performed just like that. I simply dried the razor parts off and gently patted the blade dry at the end of my rubbing of the blade in any manner.
When I toweled off and applied my Weleda ASB, I got zero Even though the burn from the Weleda is usually short and fairly mild, there was nothing this morning. I cannot recall the last time I got zero burn after a shave....with any combination of blade and razor. Really really impressive. My skin felt smooth and clean. No bumps, no significant whisker leftovers. I would say BBS in quite a few areas and DFS in the area's I can't seem to get perfectly clear of whiskers, which is around my adams apple and a couple of small spots on my chin. They just won't clean up completely....yet.
Today was as good as shave as I can remember having in months and months. Certainly the best shave since I moved down to San Antonio. We'll see what shave 6 and beyond hold for this blade. My normal expectation would be to start getting sub par shaves from any blade at shave 6. Based on today's shave I don't see how it will go from perfect to unusable overnight. I am looking forward to seeing where this blade takes me, but I went from utterly unimpressed with this blade in my R89 to being absolutely in love with it in my hybrid monster (which is still mild by most comparisons). I'll have a Gillette SB on stand by tomorrow morning, but I doubt I'll need it.
Merkur 25c Head
Muhle Grande Handle
Aveno Face Scrub for Men (no more girly Loreal)
Cremo Creme Shave Creme (no time for the brush this morning)
Proraso Pre/Post (used because I was going brushless cream)
Applied the Cremo right over the Proraso which sat about 2 minutes after my face scrub. Slightly warm water in shower....just enough to take the chill off.
I got another very very comfortable shave this morning. Almost no weepers. One small one on the side of my chin and one down low on my neck. Both stopped almost right away. Did my normal 3 passes + cleanup. The blade still felt very sharp and smooth. I got no tugging or dragging; no signs of the blade getting dull or degrading. I did not take it easy on the blade, trying to stretch it. I went at it like I would with a blade on day 1 or 2, and it performed just like that. I simply dried the razor parts off and gently patted the blade dry at the end of my rubbing of the blade in any manner.
When I toweled off and applied my Weleda ASB, I got zero Even though the burn from the Weleda is usually short and fairly mild, there was nothing this morning. I cannot recall the last time I got zero burn after a shave....with any combination of blade and razor. Really really impressive. My skin felt smooth and clean. No bumps, no significant whisker leftovers. I would say BBS in quite a few areas and DFS in the area's I can't seem to get perfectly clear of whiskers, which is around my adams apple and a couple of small spots on my chin. They just won't clean up completely....yet.
Today was as good as shave as I can remember having in months and months. Certainly the best shave since I moved down to San Antonio. We'll see what shave 6 and beyond hold for this blade. My normal expectation would be to start getting sub par shaves from any blade at shave 6. Based on today's shave I don't see how it will go from perfect to unusable overnight. I am looking forward to seeing where this blade takes me, but I went from utterly unimpressed with this blade in my R89 to being absolutely in love with it in my hybrid monster (which is still mild by most comparisons). I'll have a Gillette SB on stand by tomorrow morning, but I doubt I'll need it.
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