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Wanted: Five guys with tough, wirey beards for an experiment

Shave number 5 today. Same setup as #4, except no Proraso Red.

Merkur 25c Head
Muhle Grande Handle
Aveno Face Scrub for Men (no more girly Loreal)
Cremo Creme Shave Creme (no time for the brush this morning)
Proraso Pre/Post (used because I was going brushless cream)

Applied the Cremo right over the Proraso which sat about 2 minutes after my face scrub. Slightly warm water in shower....just enough to take the chill off.

I got another very very comfortable shave this morning. Almost no weepers. One small one on the side of my chin and one down low on my neck. Both stopped almost right away. Did my normal 3 passes + cleanup. The blade still felt very sharp and smooth. I got no tugging or dragging; no signs of the blade getting dull or degrading. I did not take it easy on the blade, trying to stretch it. I went at it like I would with a blade on day 1 or 2, and it performed just like that. I simply dried the razor parts off and gently patted the blade dry at the end of my shower....no rubbing of the blade in any manner.

When I toweled off and applied my Weleda ASB, I got zero burn...zero. Even though the burn from the Weleda is usually short and fairly mild, there was nothing this morning. I cannot recall the last time I got zero burn after a shave....with any combination of blade and razor. Really really impressive. My skin felt smooth and clean. No bumps, no significant whisker leftovers. I would say BBS in quite a few areas and DFS in the area's I can't seem to get perfectly clear of whiskers, which is around my adams apple and a couple of small spots on my chin. They just won't clean up completely....yet.

Today was as good as shave as I can remember having in months and months. Certainly the best shave since I moved down to San Antonio. We'll see what shave 6 and beyond hold for this blade. My normal expectation would be to start getting sub par shaves from any blade at shave 6. Based on today's shave I don't see how it will go from perfect to unusable overnight. I am looking forward to seeing where this blade takes me, but I went from utterly unimpressed with this blade in my R89 to being absolutely in love with it in my hybrid monster (which is still mild by most comparisons). I'll have a Gillette SB on stand by tomorrow morning, but I doubt I'll need it.
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Day 2 with the Wilkie. This time i went back to the GFT Limes cream and from the first stroke the blade felt better than it did yesterday. Whether that is because the lather with the Limes cream is slicker than what I managed with the Wilkie stick (it seems very thirsty that soap so maybe my lather yesterday was a little too dry) or simply that the blade needs a shave under its belt to lose a bit of the sharp edge I'm nor sure.
I managed another 4 pass mostly BBS except for around my chin where it is DFS even though I went over that area a couple of times as part of my cleanup. The blade still seems sharp but it isn't quite as smooth as some I've used. The alum did sting a bit more than usual today. That said, it still feels like it has plenty of life left in it; for me a blade like a 7OC yellow is ready for the bin after two shaves so I'm usually reasonably happy with more than that from a blade.

Glad you got another very decent shave. I'll be curious to see how shave #3 goes, and if you get to shave #4 with it. Shave #4 was my breakthrough shave with this blade. You're right, the blade is sharp but not overly sharp and it really seems to smooth out as it goes along. Usually shave #2 is the best shave for me with most blades. There must be something to slightly wearing down any little burrs or machine marks on the cutting edge....IDK.

Looking forward to hearing your report tomorrow and seeing if you get a couple more good shaves out of the blade, which sounds like would be a great victory for you in terms of longevity.
For $15 I was interested, for $43 (with shipping) not so much...

Man, that's crazy! I've been trying to get another lot, but haven't been willing to go much higher than what I spent originally. I have about 40 left, so I can get 2/3 of a years shaves out of them. Not too shabby!
Shave #3 and the blade seems like it has come alive, the best shave with it yet. It feels like it has taken 2 shaves to strop itself on my face because this shave the blade felt sharp and smooth. Usual 4 passes plus cleanup only this time the cleanup around the chin especially felt a lot more comfortable than the first 2 shaves. Easiest BBS with this blade so far.
Shave #3 and the blade seems like it has come alive, the best shave with it yet. It feels like it has taken 2 shaves to strop itself on my face because this shave the blade felt sharp and smooth. Usual 4 passes plus cleanup only this time the cleanup around the chin especially felt a lot more comfortable than the first 2 shaves. Easiest BBS with this blade so far.

Interesting...so the blade really seemed to get better at shave 3-4 for three of us
This is an interesting thread.

The blades in question could be Wilkinson Sword Classics because they come in the blade wrapper (with the three diagonal lines) that was traditionally used for WS’ triple coated blades. Unfortunately, blister packs containing those blades do not say anything about which version they contain. The blister packs were apparently sold without barcodes, so they are likely older than I would have guessed: http://www.ebay.fr/itm/300934523883?=item4611186beb

I think Turtle has been using a WS Classic that was made during the 1990s.
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This is an interesting thread.

The blades in question could be Wilkinson Sword Classics because they come in the blade wrapper (with the three diagonal lines) that was traditionally used for WS’ triple coated blades. Unfortunately, blister packs containing those blades do not say anything about which version they contain. The blister packs were apparently sold without barcodes, so they are likely older than I would have guessed: http://www.ebay.fr/itm/300934523883?=item4611186beb

I think Turtle has been using a WS Classic that was made during the 1990s.

Wow! Great info! They certainly look the same as the ones on the link
Shave #5 and alas it appears that as quickly as the blade came alive it has died. I had a lovely lather with DRH Arlington cream on top of a layer of Palmolive stick and the WTG passes were absolutely fine. However with the XTG pass I got a few weepers, and the ATG pass felt very scratchy, though no more weepers. I've ended up with almost a BBS but the alum stung A LOT and my face is quite red looking so I think it is time for this one to retire.
That said, five shaves from a blade for me is quite acceptable and better than most blades I've tried. I can usually get 5 shaves from the supermarket Personnas so it will be interesting to see how Justin gets on with that one once the Scottish Perma Sharp is done, which may be a few days yet :wink2:
Day 2
Razor: Progress
Blade: Wilkinson (England)
Brush: Muehle Retro RP2
Cream: AoS Sandalwood
Post: Lemon witch hazel/Floid Blue

Blade is still not a smooth as my regulars (Voskhod, Rapira)
3 pass shave. Only new variable is the blade (everything else are known quantities). Face prep warm shower, good lather. Three pass (WTG, XTG, ATG).Not as close (reference BBS) on the cheek and chin, some irritation under the chin.
This was one day's growth.
Continue to be underwhelmed...
Sorry, haven't been able to log on since Monday, the wife was sick and I had month end close out, so time was not something I've had much of since Monday.

Shave's 6, 7, 8 since Monday. Setup as follows:

Merkur 25c Head/Muhle Grande Handle
Neutrogena Face Scrub
Cremo Cream - No Proraso super lather. I need to get a new bowl to mix in.
Weleda ASB

All 3 shaves were just as fabulous as shave number 5. Sharp, close, smooth. I did get a couple extra weepers this morning, but that was due to my speed, not the razor. Each day I was BBS in many areas and DFS or CCS in my problem areas, whatever you want to call it. Each day I got progressively less sting when applying my ASB, which is completely contrary to what SHOULD be happening. On shave #8 this morning I even applied Thayer's Lemon Witch Hazel to my face before the ASB and had virtually no sting anywhere. Usually witch hazel will tell me exactly where I screwed up. In fact, it was usually uncomfortable enough that I have moved witch hazel to my before bed routine as a cleanser/toner.

The overall quality of the shaves has been excellent and I have detected no real change in the blade over the past 4 shaves. Once I hit Saturday it will be 2 full weeks of shaves with one blade. I did miss shaving 2 days last week, so I only got in 4 last week. I will get in 5-6 this week, 7 if my wife feels like going to church on Sunday.

I was very skeptical about this blade, especially with the start I had with it. One more sub par shave and I would have thrown it away. It really kicked in between shaves 3-4, but once I changed razor heads it went to a different stratosphere. I am going to keep shaving with it until I feel it's sharpness deteriorate and the comfort go downhill. It is showing no signs of that thus far. More to come...........
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After reading Jeff's last post I'm going to give the blade another chance. Last night's journey home from work was a nightmare; the trains were in chaos due to a person being hit by a train at the station and there were thousands of people at the station all going nowhere in searing heat and humidity (it was 34C/92F in London at the evening rush hour). I finally got home just before 9pm almost 2 hours later than usual so safe to say I wasn't in the best of moods and perhaps I got a bit sloppy because I wasn't in the right frame of mind.
Day 2
Razor: Progress
Blade: Wilkinson (England)
Brush: Muehle Retro RP2
Cream: AoS Sandalwood
Post: Lemon witch hazel/Floid Blue

Blade is still not a smooth as my regulars (Voskhod, Rapira)
3 pass shave. Only new variable is the blade (everything else are known quantities). Face prep warm shower, good lather. Three pass (WTG, XTG, ATG).Not as close (reference BBS) on the cheek and chin, some irritation under the chin.
This was one day's growth.
Continue to be underwhelmed...

After reading Jeff's last post I'm going to give the blade another chance. Last night's journey home from work was a nightmare; the trains were in chaos due to a person being hit by a train at the station and there were thousands of people at the station all going nowhere in searing heat and humidity (it was 34C/92F in London at the evening rush hour). I finally got home just before 9pm almost 2 hours later than usual so safe to say I wasn't in the best of moods and perhaps I got a bit sloppy because I wasn't in the right frame of mind.

Wow. Both of you guys really sound like you hit the skids with this blade. I was hoping someone would have the same or similar experience that I am. I did almost give up on it after 3 shaves. If it hadn't been an NOS blade and if maxzoran hadn't taken the time and effort to mail the blade and set this up, I would have tossed it. Probably after shave 2.

elverdiblanco, sorry to hear about the trains. Nothing worse than standing in the que with 5 thousand sweaty people in the heat and humidity. It's been hot here in Texas too, but we don't have the humidity you're stuck with (well, at least in San Antonio, Houston is another story). However, given the chance and a decent job, I'd move to London in a heartbeat. Always wanted to visit or even live there. My ancestors are from there, but not recent enough for me to know anyone.

Anyhow, don't do any damage to your face with that blade. I'm having a good run, but it may be a fluke. By the sounds of everyone else that seems to be the case. I'll be interested to hear what happens next.

targa88, sounds like your not off to the greatest start either. Hopefully you have a similar result after shave 3 or 4 and the blade kicks in for you. I guess all this just goes to show you how personal a choice a blade is. One man's ideal blade is another man's blade of last resort. Perhaps the truth is we all have so much choice and so many opinions on blades that we all throw in the towel too quickly if we don't get a perfect shave every time. Maybe we all need to pick a blade and stick with it, learn how to get the best out of it, figure out what makes it tick. I know I'm guilty of tossing a blade after just a shave or two.

Oh well. This has been a fun experiment for me and I'm looking forward to riding this to the end....even if I'm the only freak on the train.
It lives! The blade lives! Shave #6 and back on the GFT Limes cream and it was as easy and comfortable a BBS as shave #4 so I'll chalk the poor experience with shave #5 down to sloppiness caused by my bad mood following the nightmare journey home. I thought I might end up with a couple of weepers on my neck this time; I got a couple of mozzy bites there when I was out last night and thought the blade might chop the top of the bites off but it was fine. Let's see what shave #7 is like tomorrow.
It lives! The blade lives! Shave #6 and back on the GFT Limes cream and it was as easy and comfortable a BBS as shave #4 so I'll chalk the poor experience with shave #5 down to sloppiness caused by my bad mood following the nightmare journey home. I thought I might end up with a couple of weepers on my neck this time; I got a couple of mozzy bites there when I was out last night and thought the blade might chop the top of the bites off but it was fine. Let's see what shave #7 is like tomorrow.

Wow, that is a great turnaround. I wonder if the Arlington and the Palmolive had anything to do with it, but the GFT Limes sounds amazing. Something in lime is going to be my next creme, along with either Mr. Taylor's or Eaton College....I think.

Glad the shave went so well. This is a really difficult blade to figure out. It's like there is no in between. You either get a really decent to excellent shave, or you are really unhappy with the shave quality. I am honestly surprised at how long this blade has been going. At this point I'm a bit like Turtle in his Wilkinson thread, I want to see what it can do. I have no illusion that it will last 60 shaves, I'd be shocked if it went 2 weeks, but we will see.

I didn't shave Friday morning and I was too lazy again today. I will shave tomorrow and I'll report back. Can't wait to hear from the rest of you on your next results.
Wow, that is a great turnaround. I wonder if the Arlington and the Palmolive had anything to do with it, but the GFT Limes sounds amazing. Something in lime is going to be my next creme, along with either Mr. Taylor's or Eaton College....I think.

I just keep getting drawn to the GFT Limes cream at the moment; for me it performs really well in terms of glide and cushion and the scent is lovely and fresh, especially with the warmer weather we've been having here lately.
Shave #7 and another good one. GFT Limes cream (again!) with the usual 4 passes and cleanup that resulted in a BBS that I didn't have to work too hard for. I guess shave #5 shows that we can all have an off day and that perhaps I gave up on my Perma Sharp too soon. On to day 8 tomorrow.
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