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"WalMart Wilkies" sighting

Walgreens? I don't ever remember seeing VdH blades there. They used to have the deluxe soap a few years back but that's an online-order product now. Some stores have the razors and some of the software but the only DE blades I've seen in a Walgreens for the past few years are their house brand, made by the Israeli operation. Those are regularly stocked in my area stores. They also offer the Wilkies as an online-order product as previously mentioned; those are much more reasonably priced.

Wal-mart stores stock VdH blades on the shelf. I have never bought them.
I was thinking of walmart when i typed ...sorry my fault there.
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Yep. Those are the ones. Shave number two with that blade this morning in a Stahly on a UFO Titan Fine L on two-days' growth. Shaved fine. Smooth and comfortable.

Those are the German Wilkies. I find them to be a good blade and I get about 2 days more use out of them than the Indian wilikies.
Thats strange because they were supposedly carrying the VDH de blades nationally from what i was told.
No not a single DE blade in sight,
A couple of years ago they had a house
Label and they carried VDH deluxe soap
They stopped carrying the soap 3 years
Ago , all across Illinois you won't find
Any of those items at a Walgreens
My local pharmacy (a regional chain) always carried them, but at ridiculous prices, sometimes up to CAD$5.29.
With the new packaging, they've knocked them down to $3.50 or so. Still a lot.
walmart carries VDH de blades Target carries VDH blades Rexall drug stores carry wilkies or at least all of the ones i have been to do. and Walgreens when i just looked is out of stock. Family dollar carries their brand and dollar general usually has their brand that are made in Israel... so it looks like they are out of stock and CVS carries their brand also i believe.
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